I filtered the wrong ID when I was trying to filter the e-bot. Is there a way to un-filter?
And Assange turns out to be Trump's uncle kek..
For what it's worth:
According to sources, last minute meetings are being held to decide what happens tomorrow on the 4th of July.
Alliance members are debating on several options, outcomes, and the current strategy.
One of the options is to decide the viability of using the Emergency Broadcast System for "groundbreaking announcements".
The release timing of the RV is also being discussed at these meetings.
Information about the conclusion of these meetings cannot be revealed at this time.
Will they keep the current strategy to covertly save the world or is it time "go loud"?
What would the repercussions be?
It is time to decide what course to take.
Where we go one, we go all.
Weren't arrests supposed to happen last month and the months before and years before?
According to https://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2018/07/rvintelligence-alert-decision-july-3.html
Haha can't say it's always wrong. tbh in the beginning I thought it was just all disinformation but then I did some due diligence and found out there's some interesting info embedded across their intel distribution over the last 9 months. So I believe they are an honest effort to distribute some insider info. Would agree that a large portion of them is BS but they are not always wrong. And entertaining ALWAYS.
For what it's worth.. again..