L3ⴲ ID: dad209 Dec. 25, 2023, 3:41 a.m. No.20127892   🗄️.is 🔗kun

replying to https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/20126756.html


** Satan Claus


>>20126949 pb


He's making a list,

and checking it twice.

He's gonna find out

whose organs taste nice:

Satan Claus is hunting

you down.


He knows when you are sleeping;

he knows when you're awake.

He knows if you've been bad or good,

so be good for goodness' sake.


Then when the day of wrath is come,

your faith he will not shake,

And when he reaches for your soul,

his shriveled claws will bake!


** DocLaffin | aca8bc


>>20127299 pb

Advises us all to learn Russian, based on Q quote and Putin's salvific role for the failed American nation.


>>20127395 pb

> The bridegroom cometh

Meaning MBS and Dagon's mantle descending upon him.

(Good luck with that. Thoughts and prayers.)

Osiris is presumably one of the many names of the Dagon+Semiramis Cabal power couple


>>20127481 pb

>debrief ahead

Line map of Nellis AFB, possibly showing personnel movement via unfamiliar technological means, much like a video game.

Presumably implies he will return to Nellis for debrief with his qresearch career complete, perhaps to report to Tall White hierarchy.


>>20127504 pb

Persistent dedication to punishing fools by naming their ID with an accompanying punishment gif.

Suggests there is a penalty being applied to them somehow, with the post being either notification thereof or part of the spell.

He enjoys it too much for it to be merely trolling, since they aren't even sent a notification.

Says it's like popping jackrabbits from a jeep.

One assumes the victims' fate suffers: "god is making a list of names".

>>20127556 pb

Confirms "mayor" insult is applied to "gnats" (including AEI Warden Chukl repeatedly).


** Chukl Warden


* 11f844


>>20127623 pb

Chukl correction:

He did not endorse the imminent stock market crash prediction.

(It would still be a natural consequence of predicted imminent disasters.)


* 890f0c


>>20127161 pb

MBS' willpower all that prevents Dagon from possessing him, wrecking us.


* c86371


>>20127139 pb

Malicious doomer merry Christmas:

Moloch and others feast soon

GIF: Mother Mary inverted, with 8-sided star with eye in center overlaid, and label Inanna


Hungry Cabal gods are bad news.


* f25675


>>20127150 pb

CERN is summoning Dagon, apparently.

Either that or the Fae invasion again, but it's doubtful.