Anonymous ID: 5348a0 Dec. 25, 2023, 12:32 p.m. No.20129550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9562

7 MAIN Orthodox Christian sites in Russia(PHOTOS)





Seventy years of atheism couldn’t destroy Russian Orthodox Christianity. From the end of the 1980s, people began to rapidly restore destroyed monasteries and churches across the country; and, today, hundreds of thousands of people visit them annually.

  1. Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius

The Trinity Monastery 70 kilometers away from Moscow was founded by Saint Sergius of Radonezh, one of the most revered Russian saints. He created a fundamentally new type of monasticism; his abode became practically the spiritual center of Ancient Russia. (Read morehere). One of the main Russian sacred objects – the ‘Trinity’ icon by Andrei Rublev – was made specifically for this monastery.

Today, the Lavra is Russia’s largest monastery; interestingly, it didn’t close down during Soviet times; authorities left it as a “shopfront” of Russian Orthodox Christianity for foreigners. In 1993, the architectural ensemble of the Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Aside from that, the Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius is one of the most visited attractions in Russia (after the Red Square, Peterhof and the Kazan Kremlin). About 2 million people visit it every year!

  1. Diveyevo Convent

At the end of the 18th century, in the village of Diveyevo (currently the Nizhny Novgorod Region), the Virgin Mary appeared before nun Alexandra and ordered her to found a monastery there. As such, the Diveyevo female monastic community appeared and Seraphim of Sarov became its patron, who, in the future, would become one of the most revered Russian saints. After his death, the monastery was named Saint Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery.

In Soviet times, the monastery was closed down, but the nuns continued their monastic way of life and would arrange secret sacred services. In 1988, the revival of the monastery began; relics of Seraphim of Sarov were transferred here, which were stored for a long while in the museum of atheism.

Annually, about 400,000 people visit the monastery to venerate the relics of Seraphim of Sarov.

  1. Kizhi Pogost

The small Kizhi Island on Lake Onega is world-famous for its complex of 18th- and 19th-century wooden buildings. The most famous building on Kizhi Island is the Transfiguration Church, built at the end of the 17th- beginning of the 18th century. Its multi-tiered roof is crowned by 22 domes. According to legend, carpenter Nestor built this church without a single nail; when he finished it, he threw his ax in the lake, so no one would repeat his creation (Today, however, you can find nails in the walls of the church from later restorations). Recently, a carved four-tiered iconostasis was restored inside.

There are legends about miracles that were performed there in the 16th century by the future abbot of the Solovetsky Monastery and Metropolitan Philip, even before his monastic tonsure. He was a hired worker of a local peasant and even caught sturgeons in Lake Onega, despite them not living in it. There are a multitude of other legends about how future saints traveled to Solovki and stopped at Kizhi on the way. Even Soviet authorities wouldn’t touch Kizhi, having immediately evaluated the cultural and historical importance of the pogost; in 1920, it was put under government protection as a memorial of architecture. In 1990, the Kizhi Pogost was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list. Kizhi also made it on the list of especially precious objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

In 2022, it was visited by more than 360,000 people; every year, the number of tourists and pilgrims on the island only grows, despite the fact that it’s hard to reach (in summer, one has to travel by ferry, in winter – by hovercraft!).

  1. Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

At the end of the 14th century, monk Kirill Belozersky, a student of Sergius of Radonezh, reached these northern lands by foot and founded a monastery on the bank of Lake Siverskoye, which was later named in his honor. According to legend, the place for the founding of the monastery was shown to Kirill by the Virgin Mary herself and higher powers saved him from death several times. He was sanctified with the title of ‘Venerable’ for his asceticism and his monastic feats. His relics are one of the most important sacred objects of the monastery.

The Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, with its formidable wall, is one of the largest monasteries in Russia and in the whole of Europe. Churches of the end of the 15th century – start of the 16th century have survived and it’s one of the most important attractions in Vologda Region….

Anonymous ID: 5348a0 Dec. 25, 2023, 12:34 p.m. No.20129562   🗄️.is 🔗kun



From 1997, the architectural complex of Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery was included in the state list of especially precious objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. From 2000, a branch of the museum – the Ferapontov Monastery, where unique frescoes of Dionisius of the beginning of the 16th century survived – became a UNESCO World Heritage site. Roughly 330,000 people visit the Kirillo-Belozersky Museum and Monastery annually.


  1. Pskov-Pechory Monastery

The history of this monastery began in 1473. The first monk settled in the local caves and arranged a church inside in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God holiday. In time, a whole network of caves appeared in the monastery, where monks were buried and their relics remained intact.

This is another one of the few monasteries that wasn’t closed in Soviet times; hence, many people who looked for a monastic way of life in the USSR strove to go there. Among them were many veterans of World War II. For about 40 years, Ioann (Krestiankin) lived there, a very venerated elder monk. Another of its famous inhabitants, who’s currently the Metropolitan of Pskov Tikhon (Shevkunov), told the story of the monastery’s everyday life and miracles in his book ‘Everyday Saints’.

In 2022, this monastery on the very border with Estonia was visited by about 230,000 tourists and pilgrims.


  1. Valaam Monastery

The exact founding date of the monastery on Valaam Island on Lake Ladoga is unknown; most likely, monks lived here already in the 10th century. According to legend, Apostle Andrew the First-Called himself visited this place.

The chronicled history of the monastery has been recorded from the 14th century, however, due to an attack from the Swedes, the monastery was practically abandoned and was later restored only by the decree of Peter the Great, when the emperor began the construction of St. Petersburg and the development of captured lands.

The monastery took damage over the course of the Winter War; all monks were evacuated and, during World War II, the buildings of the monastery hosted a ship’s boys school, while later – a home for the disabled. Sacred services were restored in 1989.

Valaam has always been a popular destination for pilgrimage and tourism. In 1966, the Valaam Archipelago was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. And, although one can only reach it via a motorboat or a ‘Meteor’ speed vessel, up to 160,000 tourists and pilgrims visit it annually.


  1. Solovetsky Monastery

The Solovetsky Archipelago in the White Sea became infamous in the 20th century as one of the first branches of the GULAG system. Prisoners lived right in the churches of the monastery, on bunk beds stacked several tiers high. It was there where the camp’s security arranged bloody executions and firing squad killings.

After the closure of the prison, the place hosted a ship’s boys school and a museum; in 1988, a church parish was created again and services began anew. Since then, the monastery has been meticulously restored.

The monastery has a long history of spiritual and monastic feats. It began with several hermits who wandered to these remote islands. Zosimas and Savvatiy of Solovki, who founded the monastery in the 15th century, were sanctified. Their relics are one of the main sacred objects of this place. In the 17th century, the monastery was the last stronghold of the Old Believers, who resisted the church reform for almost 20 years and defended behind strong walls.

In 1992, Solovki was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list and in the state list of especially precious cultural objects of Russia. If, before the pandemic, this remote archipelago was visited by about 20,000 tourists and pilgrims annually, in 2022, this number reached the 60,000 mark. Due to the islands’ remoteness, access for tourists is open only in the warm seasons of the year.

Anonymous ID: 5348a0 Dec. 25, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.20129575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9577 >>9586 >>9590

No, Donald Trump Will Never Consider Nikki Haley as VP Possibility, Here’s Why (exactly)1/2


December 23, 2023 | Sundance |

CBS floated some ridiculous story about President Trump asking advisors their opinion of Nikki Haley as a VP option. That story is nonsense. Anyone in the orbit of Donald Trump knows Nikki Haley is a nonstarter.


CBS is known as the worst news organization for making stuff up. There is no element of their thin-gruel story [SEE HERE] that is believable. Here’s why…


President Trump is known for remembering betrayal;he doesn’t always burn the bridge, but he never recrosses it.


Nikki Haley in February 2021: …”“I don’t think [Trump’s] going to be in the picture,” she said, matter-of-factly. “I don’t think he can. He’s fallen so far.” […] “We need to acknowledge he let us down,” she said. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.” (link)


Two months later, April 2021, when asked about her 2024 presidential ambitions Nikki Haley says:…”Out of respect I would never do anything to go against [Trump], he knows that. I would have a conversation with him and talk to him about it should we decide we want to pursue it; but, um,no, I have a great respect for him, and I would never consider running against him.” (link) (I love the fact she us fucking liar and doesn’t remember her recorded lies.)


When Nikki Haley attempted to contact President Trump he ignored her calls. She could not get the meeting. She announced her intention anyway, because she was always going to announce her candidacy. Everything structurally around her was well known as soon as she left the administration.


Use the CTH site search tool function and type in “Nikki Haley” for the results. Take a few Snickers bars because you are going to be there a while.


Why so much focus on Nikki Haley?


For the same reason CTH focused so heavily on Mitch McConnell; these are backstabbing liars of the highest order.These are the snakes from the poem President Trump recited quite often….


…These Haley types are the scheming DeceptiCons. Haley has no redeeming qualities if you are well versed in understanding the manipulative intents of the conniving big government, cocktail party, Wall Street republicans.


Nikki Haley is the Mitt Romney of John McCains.


October 2019 – Nikki Haley purchased a $2.4 million home in Kiawah Island, Charleston county, South Carolina (link). Nikki Haley released her book “With All Due Respect” on November 12th (link). Mrs. Haley also took a position on the board of directors for Boeing Co, likely an extension of success for her prior efforts recruiting Boeing to the state. (link)


The board position, home purchase and book tour follows a very predictable pattern for those who follow GOPe politics closely. Indeed, there is speculation Nikki Haley was/is positioning for a 2024 presidential bid; speculation that generally aligns with the pattern….

Anonymous ID: 5348a0 Dec. 25, 2023, 12:42 p.m. No.20129590   🗄️.is 🔗kun



OCTOBER 2018 –Ms. Haley comes from the political house of Prescott/Bush; hence the original Rubio support in 2016 etc. She is a political animal from the establishment wing.


Within the traditional political class, the customary approach to a White House run is to gain about five years of wealth in advance of a presidential run. Haley would be following a wealth process for a 2024 presidential run.


During this wealth accumulation period the cocktail party circuit (the billionaire crowd) will front-load wealth, purchase homes and all expenses etc, for the future candidate.This ‘Five Year Plan‘ was the same historic approach done for Ronald Reagan.


With a candidate in the private sector, theprofessional donor-class make investments in the candidate while it is legal to do so.The investments are made in anticipation of future influence. This is simply how money influences politics.


With the “Me Too” movement in high political value, the currency of Nikki Haley, as an investment candidate, was at the apex in 2019. Haley checked the right boxes; she then moved to capitalize on the process, politics and timeliness.


The U.N., as an institution, is also in alignment with the high-brow Prescott Bush clan. Ms. Nikki Haley is regarded by this clan as a very valuable commodity. If they can’t get Jeb, or another Bush (ie. Rubio) over the finish line, they will be much better positioned with investments in Nikki Haley.


Due to the increasing success of the MAGA or Trump Republican apparatus,Haley will need to carefully position herself as a stealth Decepticon and not upset the vulgarian hordes, ie. the new republican party base voter. As a smart and tactical politician Haley will invest heavily in the optics of supporting the MAGA movement.


Much like the primary of 2016 (w/ Jeb), the primary race of2024 will determine if Haley can con enough people into not seeing her elitist Decepticon position.


The Bush clan and professional political cocktail circuit was rebuked in 2016, so we can anticipate their strategy in 2024 will be with those strategic lessons at the forefront.


(She will be rewarded by the donor class, because they will come up with ways to deceive Americans. Ultimately the real Real President and CiC will ban donors to prevent the destruction of the US. This must happen for our country to survive, and thrive)

Anonymous ID: 5348a0 Dec. 25, 2023, 1:29 p.m. No.20129756   🗄️.is 🔗kun

25 Dec, 2023

Israel kills senior Iranian general in Syria strike

“The barbaric Zionist regime will pay” for the death of Seyed Razi Mousavi, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have said


Israeli warplanes struck the Syrian capital of Damascus on Monday, killing a senior Iranian commander. Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) said that thegeneral, Seyed Razi Mousavi, was in Syria to support the anti-Israel “resistance front.”


News of the strike was first reported by Iran’s Tasnim news agency, and confirmed shortly afterwards by the IRGC. “A few hours ago, during the criminal missile attack of the child-killing Zionist regime on Damascus, Brigadier-General Seyed Razi Mousavi, one of the IRGC's senior military advisers, was martyred,” the IRGC’s statement said.


At the time of his death, Mousavi was “responsible for supporting the resistance front in Syria,” the IRGC said, referring to the broad coalition of anti-Israel groups backed by Iran, which include Hezbollah in Lebanon and various Shia militias in Iraq and Syria.


“The usurping and barbaric Zionist regime will pay for this crime,” the statement concluded.


Mousavi was a close associate of Qasem Soleimani, who commanded the IRGC’s Quds Force from the late 1990s until his assassination by the US in 2020. The Quds Force primarily operates outside Iran, supporting and training Tehran’s allies, including those in the “resistance front.”


Its current commander, Brigadier General Esmail Qaani, promised in November to aid Hamas in its fight against Israel, stating that Tehran would “not allow this brutal enemy and those standing behind him to conquer Gaza and its heroic people.” However, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has reportedly informed the Palestinian militant group that Iran’s support will not extend to direct military intervention.


The Israeli military has not commented on Sunday’s airstrike, and usually remains quiet about its operations in Syrian skies. Israeli planes have conducted semi-frequent missions in Syria since the war with Hamas began on October 7, striking airports and sites allegedly used by Iran-aligned militia groups.


(What did the expect?)

Anonymous ID: 5348a0 Dec. 25, 2023, 1:57 p.m. No.20129857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0154

Russian Forces Take Heavily Fortified Town of Maryinka in Biggest Triumph Since Bakhmut

by Paul Serran Dec. 25, 2023

The year is ending on an upbeat note for the Russian Federation troops that have just conquered the heavily fortified town of Maryinka, in the outskirts of Donetsk city.


This is a major development, the biggest since Moscow troops regained the initiative, and also the greatest achievement since they gained control of Avdiivka (Bakhmut) in May.


By taking Maryinka, the Russians have significantly pushed back the Ukrainian artillery. For years, Kiev used Maryinka has a key launching pad for drone and artillery strikes against civilians in Donetsk.


Watch: drone footage of Maryinka ruins.


Reuters reported:


“Putin said control of the town, which was once home to 10,000 people, will allow the Russian forces to move enemy combat units away from Donetsk.


‘Our troops (now) have the opportunity to reach a wider operational area’, he said in a video of the exchange between him and Shoigu posted online by a Kremlin journalist.”


This comes after Ukraine launched a failed counteroffensive aimed at retaking land in the country’s south and east, including Bakhmut.


Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, reported on Sputnik:


“In the course of offensive operations, assault detachments from the Southern Group of Forces completely liberated the settlement of Maryinka southwest of Donetsk.”


President Putin:


“I would like to congratulate you. This is a success. Pass on the words of gratitude to all the staff and fighters who took part at different times and at different stages [of the liberation].”


Troops from the 150th Motorized Rifle Division distinguished themselves in the settlement’s capture. That’s the same legendary Division which famously captured the Reichstag building in Berlin in WW2.


“Maryinka had been turned into a fortress over the past nine years, connected by a network of underground passages, with fortifications on almost every one of its streets, Shoigu said.”



Putin asked Shoigu to distribute medals to soldiers who distinguished themselves in the strategic settlement’s liberation.


The liberation of Maryinka may allow a military decision to go much deeper into Ukrainian-held territory.


“‘By breaking into this fortification, which the enemy has factually been building up since 2014… our troops have the opportunity to enter a wider operational area’ Putin said.”

Anonymous ID: 5348a0 Dec. 25, 2023, 2:55 p.m. No.20130086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0090 >>0101

Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley Encourages Americans to Celebrate Killing Unborn Babies This Christmas Season

by Cristina Laila Dec. 25, 2023


Democrats are truly demonic and evil.


Democrat mouthpiece and ‘squad member’ Ayanna Pressley encouraged Americans to celebrate the Christmas season by killing unborn babies.


“Support your local abortion fund this holiday season,”Ayanna Pressley said shortly before Christmas.


On Christmas Eve, AyannaPressley called for a full-blown Communist revolution.


Ayanna Pressley: The people deserve & demand bold, progressive change & we won’t stop until we deliver on:


Racial justice

Economic justice

Climate justice

Health justice

Reproductive justice

Transit justice

Gender justice

Disability justice

And more.


(The insanity is contagiousThere is no justice without injustice is what they play on.)