Anonymous ID: 473073 Dec. 25, 2023, 7:56 p.m. No.20131314   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Anon grew up in an area where 80%+ were Catholic. Can remember once a week, during regular school hours, taking a school bus to the nearby church for religious instruction. The few kids that didn't go had reading time.

Anonymous ID: 473073 Dec. 25, 2023, 8:36 p.m. No.20131458   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Donald Trump’s 2024 Vice President


Given the recent discussions about a potential Vice President pick by Donald Trump, several people have asked for my perspective.

Because I look at the office of the presidency slightly different than most, and specifically because the real challenge that needs to be addressed is located deep inside each institution of government, my perspective on the running mate is somewhat different than most.


Right now, only one person hits that level of integrity for me, Dr. Ben Carson.

I trust Dr Ben Carson to understand the MAGA vision; to understand how the MAGA vision becomes manifest through policy; and, more importantly, to stay true to the MAGA vision if called upon to execute.

The other cabinet members would all have big jobs, and none of them can come from the traditional system within DC. They need to be wolverines baring teeth and ready to start the “retribution phase” on day one.

Secretary of State: Ric Grenell

Defense Secretary: Vivek Ramaswamy

Treasury Secretary: Ron Paul

USTR: Robert Lighthizer or Peter Navarro

Commerce Secretary: Peter Navarro or Robert Lighthizer

EPA Administrator: Sarah Palin

FCC Commissioner: Mike Benz

CIA Director: Robert Kennedy Jr

FBI Director: Matt Gaetz

DOJ Attorney General: Ken Paxton

Office of the Director of National Intelligence: Rand Paul

NSA Director: Thomas Massie

Interior Secretary: Marjorie Taylor Greene