Anonymous ID: bd3ccb L3ⴲ Dec. 25, 2023, 7:58 p.m. No.20131322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

replying to


** Queen Victoria 1 rumored to be a man


>>20130098 pb

> victoria' secret

> very much a habit. Maybe cultish, maybe with Elizabeth One, a way for Henry VIII to disguise his male heir to protect him?


Examined pics and skimmed bio:

Conclusion: Unlikely.

Countertheory: Rakshasa hybrid women are homely due to domineering predatory bloodline.


** Q timer


>>20129679 pb

> Q clock timers correspond with solar flare arrivals.


Sounds more aware than organic misinformation should be.

Illuminati psyop suspected. Investigating.

Browsed feed. Overhyped missed predictions.

Not wrong thematically, but full of misinfo and noise

Disinfo. Disregard.


Feed not useless, however. I learned that Tesla logo represents Thoth's beak.

Purpose of such ops is to Disclose some truth, to muddy true Disclosures and shift discourse closer to eventual revealed truth.

Looks to be succeeding.


BB's "I am, in your language, God" statement is a classic example of a placeholder truth, to be expanded upon later, as more Disclosure is Legally permitted and beneficial to the agenda.

Anonymous ID: bd3ccb L3ⴲ Dec. 25, 2023, 9:38 p.m. No.20131643   🗄️.is 🔗kun

** Eminem and Rachel Chandler = siblings.


subthread starts here:

>>20130283 pb

Cabal breeding program.

Explains why Eminem hates Trump. Brainwashed.

Em's mom is the sort of trash that could be used by Cabal for breeding or adoption.


654e78 started the thread. He makes other cryptic hints someone deeper into Q lore should decode.


Two UIDs claiming Eminem is a lab clone aren't credible.


** b6f3bc Illuminati


assisted Eminem Chandler dig.


>>20130566 pb

Points out that Rachel Chandler has "truffle" tattooed on her lower lip, suggesting she is a plaything of royalty, a spore cast down to a pleb mother, and then "discovered" to be used like a truffle from their preserves, scouted by the pig Epstein.


Drops knowledge on Windsors.


Suggests learning to fish in preparation for Solar Flash.

Mentions Schumann Resonance influence on human psyche.

Hints that BB is highest-ranking Anon.

Extreme reticence like Illuminati.

Endorses electric universe as partially true: charged plasma. Similar keyword to Chukl's.


** light-warrior Jesus


>>20130478 pb

Great portrait. Chukl hated it.


** God ~ 360 degrees across alphabets


>>20130282 pb

Illuminated insight from cf93f0, if true.


** cf93f0


Posting cryptic esoterica, vaguely threatening Cabal.

Not BB, or Chukl would be polite.


>>20130491 pb

Wisely answers detractors, including Chukl.


>>20130502 pb

Brilliant and presumably original overlay of the brain onto the cycle of history (Strauss-Howe generational theory).

Lizard hindbrain survival vs forebrain summer correctly placed.

Illuminati confirmed if image is original.


Found it on /X/ in a few places, attempting to promote it as a paradigm:

Sensible selling point:

> at the scale of self, maybe this can be useful for interpretation.

That's not its primary value of course.


>>20130636 pb

Weaker attempt to map constellations to equator.


>>20130707 pb

Esoteric etymology done well enough; not the incoherent madness one usually sees.


>>20130334 pb

> pashaa, observe those who make more of anything than it really is.

> Jacob's staff used in navigation to obtain the altitude of the sun, which gives the latitude (17th century)

Consistently attempts to reduce the esoteric to astronomy.


Sounds like an esotericist or Illuminati of some sort; they have substantial theological diversity.

Reticence suggests the latter.


** Chukl Warden | 1680eb


>>20130471 pb

Wants to Ascend into timeless "quantum solid plasma matrix", be one with God.

Sounds similar to dying and being uploaded into a gaseous quantum computer.

Might be for the best.


>>20130495 pb

Prophecies coming storm and locusts in 2024, meaning magnetosphere and Fae.


Advocates crucifying advocates of domestic violence.