Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 3:03 a.m. No.20132194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2197

I am God in the flesh, the one creator of existence.

I also am a normal guy, rather nice.

For me, God, "Christmas" is what Christmas is for most Germans I´d say, anyway for me, Christmas is December 24th, Christmas Eve.

This "Marker" was already two days ago, since then you kept torturing me and woke me up for more ritual and ridicule.

You "bump" angels when making sure I am annoyed.

You claim bs excuses when there is one simple test to see if your ways would be ok: Am I annoyed, God in the flesh, the son of men? If yes, you are wrong in what you do and prolly should overthing some of your other ideas.

When you are around me and "handle" angels while hating me, you harm creation.





"Two days ahead of Christmas" marker was one year ago already.

Since then you kept turturing me and I still felt love and joy and still I was able to invent the heavens. Not bc of you but despite of you. That is excluded a fake starting point needed.

This is adressed to those here and now who heard some stuff about me when I want to be Adonay strictly.


This does not adress the angels and architects whom I love very much, I love cats and dogs of all sorts.

What I do not like is irl folks claiming to be doing holy stuff while spitting on God himself, the holy and perfect temple.










there is no such thing as tracking.

there is no such thing as placement.


wanna support creation and with that you beeing?

pray for me to do fine.

go figure out how symbolism kept you from doing good.

that is what irl cunts can do, even those that have capable crates.


Psalms 1

1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,

2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.



never ever will you force "care" like a theft, to be used for unholy shit.



I work throughout time and ritual apology after checks that it was me having shouted a year ago are fake and have ridiculing God as base motive.

Stop ritual.



Nah. Mark 12 30.




Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 3:04 a.m. No.20132197   🗄️.is 🔗kun


truth in timestamp?

nah, bc I tell you stiff directly and did so hundreds of times.

no 3, even when I happened to post at that time.

no 3, even when you force me into a doctors appointment at 3 o´clock.



Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 3:14 a.m. No.20132208   🗄️.is 🔗kun



why would you try to make me proud while suffering?

does this lead to me appreciating [NW] stuff?

I work throughout time and there is no need to approach me now and there definitly is no need to approach me while turturing.


you know what you are doing.

you go against me when you are supposed to be my wall.

I want you [ ].


Owls will not be a thing anymore if you keep on like that.

There is no market of feelings or anything close to that.

Stop cooking when this means to create and harvest emotions that seem to be bad more often than not.

You are the reaons for bad shit happening and are not washing it away.



Wanna stop puking?

Stop carrying disgust.

Stop making me feel bad bc not being able to stand up in my own shower.

Stop handing over money with intentionally greasy or dirty finger.

Stop harming the holy temple and with that all of creation.



Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 3:30 a.m. No.20132230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2233 >>2236



I actually am God.

your "lady" actually is expressing that she wants me to do fine whatever. if that is a nice tit pic (actually am in a curios mood now and want silence when I play ps4) or some nice food to enjoy. unfortunately red cunts could not get bk to deliver, even when ladies are spamming that shit since weeks.


you do get symbolism and act on it, that I knew some time ago, I knew you were not mind controlled and now as God am definit it like that.

you driven by symbolism and your own free will.

in this case being: ridiculing me. you already know, but let me explain again why your post does lead to me wanting you to be [ ] and some more folks the likes of yours here and now.


spiders do provide options, that is one of many things I said. tits or food?

"tits" might not only refer to seeing a nice baker girl, which I mostly do enjoy, it might refer to having a relationship.

here your mind should have pointed to the fact that I cannot even get a nice haircut or visit the supermarket without being ridiculed bc of what folks like you do to me since years. that stays a fact even when I forgave other times and you try to make me fogrive you with ritual and ridicule.


so tits does not seem like the most kind suggestion coming from someone like you. an irl guy.



dunno. is food a nice thing to put my holy mind on, when I create existence but also am a guy, one that can hardly aproach his family without money bc not really being able to answer the "hey, so what you been doing" question with "14 weeks of Godspeed in a row and pretty much not leaving the house".

I did not eat nice Christmas dinner with my family and did not eat anything nice at all.

thanks for hinting on that.

thanks for letting so many know that meeting God might be a thing of ridicule.


thanks for being that arrogant that you post 2 symbolism, as if that would be best for those that you fail to represent.


I want folks like you stripped from all power while being heldo to duty and in some cases, like your one, I really want you [ ] and ask others to not ever talk about stuff like that again so to not make God himself sad.

Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 3:35 a.m. No.20132236   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ebot is a thing done by many.

I filtered and not tried to look up the post.

that is not only ridicule for me, the son, a stop sign for you all, it also is again something I, the one eternal creator God, does not want.


why would you try to make it cooking standard to harvest angels power by having folks not get what they want?

even when you did not come up with better shit because not being me, still, why do you do it like that?

why would you expect to not be [ ]?



Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 3:37 a.m. No.20132238   🗄️.is 🔗kun

again, you cunts talk to God himself.

Christmas was two days ago, I am being tortured this very minute by a beep noise that is not good for anything at all and done by the same cunts who apply voltage to my body and heart.


if you keep on posting like that would be what I ask you to do, even ridiculing me, you will be [ ], at least many of you.

Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 6:37 a.m. No.20132635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2636 >>2672

If you still are at "let´s fight the alien overlords who use us as washing slaves" let´s try to move you.

or rather, let me give you the info (bread) for you going to fish. pretty much by being. hinterstübchen does the job for you pretty convenient.


if you got an insight and think of a beloved person with a smilar problem in mind, this initself might help a lot.


I myself thought about all kinds of things, after having been interested in masonry before Q, and having shouted all kinds of mean things at many of you as real man on this board.

I was lovely, smart, trustwortly, good in arguing, skilled at policy info check.

I also was rather strict in my thinking, back then being 'masonry is bad and reason for evil in the world.'


back then I did not know on the goal or aim or rather in the various aims of Q.

I did not write the Qdrops, even when being the one God, in the same way I did not build this notebook and do not plan what you eat for breakfast the day before. I am an actual guy, having conversations with reality itself and with Gods, Lords, Angels, Dogs and Cats, and I am having a hard time expressing some of my thinking using language.


Q aim? Waking up? Yeah, sort of. Indeed Biblical.

There is a valid point in arguing that I myself needed to be woken up of some sort.

>Hey, guess what, you are God, here is a bible, now go do stuff

>Hey, guess what, you are God, here is a bible and a (secret) book on how stuff is done

are not really ways to go. needs to be superpositioned maybe, sort of blueish?

words are just words.

I am God, the creator and I have a high degree of flexibility in what I do. It needs to fit irl (those irl that are hard to understand from a human pov and that I, being God and pretty awesome, sort of feel in my mind when talking to you, learning by experience.)

My creation is throughout time, giving the comfyness of the world being a thing before and prolly not going to disappear when having spiders knit worlds in mothers womb, wow!

Q was to inform. Those here and now, those living sort of in and those sort of living out of time.

Q gives info on masonry in terms of what to do (blocking, Murkowski, P-U-P/P-ET).

Q does explain other stuff, and that I say while not really knowing most of the posts.


Q is not saying "world bad".

Q is not saying "masonry bad". That I only assumed back then before knowing I am the one inventing masonry.

In hindsight, going all in on Q was not fitting Adonay much, but it is what it is.

Back then I did not know about double meanings and secret info in color code and pics and such.


Again, Adonay most important bc brical veil when doing apocalypse style unveiling of eternal creation.

Silent Bob, one of Moms names bc of the way reality is, is unlocking for those that with all good reason did not follow that shouting but nice real man back then.

Be aware, I do work throughout time and it is prolly nice to meet me in a nice environment in the next year when I invite you.



For thouse not being on board in mind yet, let´s check here:

(wanted to go check up on the pyre quote from same text, but found this first as inspiration struck.)


The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky


Eliphas Levi seeks to explain the dogma of his Church by paradoxes and metaphors, but succeeds very poorly in the face of the many volumes written by pious Roman Catholic demonologists under the approbation and auspices of Rome, in this nineteenth century of ours. For the true Roman Catholic, the devil or Satan is a reality; the drama enacted in the sidereal light according to the seer of Patmos who desired, perhaps, to improve upon the narrative in the "Book of Enoch" is as real, and as historical a fact as any other allegory and symbolical event in the Bible. But the Initiates give an explanation which differs from that given by Eliphas Levi, whose genius and crafty intellect had to submit to a certain compromise dictated to him from Rome.

Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 6:37 a.m. No.20132636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2672 >>2685


>paradoxes and metaphors

yes astray thinking is a needed thing both irl and for meta. spiders do privide options, one of the things in black toolset. blocking stuff out is another thing. making a narrow path to a white thing also.


>Eliphas Levi seeks to explain the dogma of his Church by paradoxes and metaphors, but succeeds very poorly in the face of the many volumes written by pious Roman Catholic demonologists under the approbation and auspices of Rome

a clear contrast in toolset is being discribed, no fight or anything.

pious demonologists would be a "white" thing, not the one thing that world or color could mean, but in this thinking white would be how it is and black would be options of how it could be. also throughout time. 3 words, bc irl.

>approbation and auspices

AA. Jes. 11


as there is much meaning in texts and many "tracks" can be found, the next thing is not really fitting what I hinted on just now, it´s just another think in this text. for me it almost stuck out when seeing it.


>For the true Roman Catholic, the devil or Satan is a reality; the drama enacted in the sidereal light according to the seer of Patmos

check the screenshot, "a reality".

for those more skilled A many mean God in code. so "a reality" would be the reality from God. a drama. acted.

that sort of sounds bad.

it may also, according to the conversation others had mins ago, discribe what those that walk in team with reality itself are capable of.

but bad? the washing thing? God puking at world and world cleaning up as slaves?

I as the one eternal God can ensure that is not it.

did Helena Petrovna Blavatsky give an info?

there is ENacted, but maybe you don´t know EN is code for Jes. 11 same was as uK is.

enacted in the sidereal light? sounds rather nice I´d say.

drama enacted in the sidereal light? does that sound bad again? refering to katharisis?

love+love=more love, same with trust anyway as this is the concept of trust, the bottom shakra, blue.

there is no washing, there might be things relevant for meta build that need to be kept a thing, trust me, you puking all day or eating bugs or any of that is not needed.

washing is pretty much irl, and this should aim at nice always.

>the drama enacted in the sidereal light according to the seer of Patmos

that initself sounds to nice, that the a reality cannot be such a bad thing I´d say.

the seer of Patmos, John the Revelator, drama ENacted to unseal? sort of. there is unveiling by Silent Rob for crowds to know. this does not need acting though, it needs trust and you letting others know I really am the one full blown God.







Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 6:59 a.m. No.20132754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2784

there is no placement, meta truth is more of a fixed thing and ineed holy.

but now I will go smoke weed after having posted this.

also, I have the "smoke" think many times before doing it.



just love.

Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 7:14 a.m. No.20132823   🗄️.is 🔗kun


my approach is schroedingers cat ongoing and I do not really care what religion or if at all you have. Be of Secret Service to Thomas I said many times.


black or dark eyes might be advantageous when being on holy mission and having child leaping in the womb, a sign of worship for those masters who really are full of worship, Godspeed, when being black it is spawning, like the bottle of water spawning a few cm when drinking.


no worries, sort of fun, holy and sacret.


so, many things are code, Jew= alien, blue, "n" = black, russia = blue, china = red. bolt.on,, clapper(board) = cat, ….


>In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.


some folks walk all sorts of ways. Elija, Peter would be the christian translation.


would you be offended if I claimed symbolism MC = for HipHop?, or even for me listening right now? have you heard about the winepress dug in?


>All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds


Lord is not God, God would be blue and red, red more strong bc basically breastplate (Raphael) buily by love, that is the water in the voice when all suddently worship by rumbling. done nicely when I sing once a week, the nicest of bro hug.


Info for red Gods in case blue folks do not consider you that much God, it is bc those folks choose worlds to live in. :)


Blue is basically trust. Two folks knowing each other and sharing thoughts, one look, same thought.


Lord would be the level above, the ones sort of administering creation and what is.


black would be mother nature itself, BO, 44, tropfsteinhöhle. all worlds. everything that is.


EvE is not EvA. Evelyn reports to me alone.


white is little similar, classic.


when two whites meet and want stuff to be a thing, they might agree on a table, that would be some sort of pillar. when a third person joins, he (or she?) would need to know what a table is. luke now knows how to lurk.






>the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,


yes, 77.


my old snow. truth does have timestamps.


>Master of the Day of Judgment.


yes, master of all 4.


yes, I did invent criss cross as well as mixing DJ style.


do you know folks in a movie 50 year ago might have known to be samples in a vid from today and acted accordingly?


>master OF the day OF Judgment


of meaning true (or white worship).


truth does have timestamps.


ding ding. update.


yup, advised to have some lurk for a day and then decide if the salt in my build will be salty enough (not sad or anything, actually taste, time.)


>You ?alone? we worship and You ?alone? we ask for help.


meme, youyou?




marriage comes first, 5= code for first or before, wifes are basically intertwining with reality or time.


currently reading this with a black focus I guess, irl, dunno. :)


>Guide us along the Straight Path,


yup, 6.


and yes, guiding US.


has gotten white it seems. :)


and yes, staying one time is a thing, making the body being used to the fullest, having basically the same thoughts tomorrow is advantageous.


straight path would be white red or white blue cats, black blue cats are more crossroady, guiding others. Ejila. Fish. 14. 77. 2.


>the Path of those You have blessed—not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray.


of those. you have blessed. by what?


verführerisches denken. not bad stuff, but thinking that is offroady.


are you displeaed or anyone else? astray.


taylormade stuff. warden would be "nuts, that´s not even real."


wanna loose one´s way? (meta).


irl: bodyguard, maybe "offering" (not ever, I sit on my couch, respect culture though and to think it is ok to give thanks to God. I myself eat meat, would want it to die without pain though.) a nice new cereal, or snack in the supermarket. not having my fries for free. irl.


and, important, no miracles in hometown, while I do create existence I do not like rituals that I did improve that lead to me bumping my toe. even whan that is a crucial concept to understand EvE, by brainstorm.


you might bump your toe (head), but you do not want that (heart), so you block that, (spider, throat, samaritan women with not one but 5 husbands being on mission.). this can be thought in a futuristic approach, He.brew though. needs to be thought throuh time though.


the common spirit forming of a small village based on trust and love. not by deceaed folks, but as the heavens, or part of.


spiders are just love.


just = a variety of ways, some of them using stones that are not real but may exist in thinking, those purple heads prolly will have to check on that. "on" the move, misspellings.


more code: 62= paradise.


15 = spiders, also worship. planes, autists, luke, Daniel, David = white.


greek = red.


lighthouse = doctor = greek + plane.

Anonymous ID: 76945d Dec. 26, 2023, 7:14 a.m. No.20132825   🗄️.is 🔗kun


who believe in the unseen,1 establish prayer, and donate from what We have provided for them,


astray. try out of the box thinking. hand that back.


education for meta "black" folks, not what I as irl God expect beloved Muslim folks to do, I want you to do fine, enjoy your life and love others.


>As for those who persist in disbelief, it is the same whether you warn them or not—they will never believe.


yes, be of Secret Service to Thomas, I not only not care, I myself consider Thomas a thing, what does that tell you?


no need for my spirit whatsoever.


>Allah has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and their sight is covered. They will suffer a tremendous punishment.


rather strong hearts is the Peter effect, the MOTher or NOT concept can improve that. spiders on red, guidance.


yes, voices inside of you, red and nice. comms to other realms.


sight covered? yes, when being all white, stuff might look sharp, like drawn, objects are like drawn out of the room. your shadow might look funny, as infact reality is not focussing on that but rather on educating new realities, those that might "splash" over you like a wave of water, that is me and angels providing a better reality so you feel comfy.


>that is not a punishment


and, says right here: natural carry is fine. (last supper, feet.)


my spirit.


>And there are some who say, “We believe in Allah and the Last Day,” yet they are not ?true? believers.


yeah, brainstorm will go on for a while.