replying to
** Swedish royals
>>20131036 pb
1-post ID implies Swedish royals led the Deep State.
Picture is from,_Crown_Princess_of_Sweden
Robust Rakshasa hybrid physiognomy. Brown eyes and hair. Homely and mannish.
Presumably same poster continues as acbe14 (4)
>>20131042 pb
Observes Victoria was photographed with large chain-link earrings, signifying bondage of some sort.
>>20131044 pb
Oprah has replaced her, her coronation celebrated by the commission of a portrait in royal purple.
>>20131056 pb
Oprah bears an olive branch because the Deep State has capitulated.
Doubtless, this circumstance is an improvement.
Yajweh predicted as much, when he said we would see elites become unavailable for a week or two, then return with a revised subdued agenda.
The implication being that xenos would abduct them, and give them an offer they couldn't refuse.
(Possibly with some level of memory suppression after they were returned.)
This was presumably accomplished in large measure during all those elite announcements of self-quarantine while experiencing mild COVID19.
The question is, capitulated to what xeno coalition, with what compromise agenda?
There's the (depopulation) rub.
Yajweh rebelled because he knew the compromise involved too much depopulation and enslavement for him to stomach.
Things have only gotten worse since, it would appear.
Still, merry Christmas is fitting cheer, for a Cabal reversal.
** Chukl Warden
Chukl rebuts that Cabal still rules, and are more useful to God than Anon.
This is plausible, if one replaces "God" with the Emperor of the (Fallen) Anunnaki
One assumes Chukl's perspective is warped by his personal darkness.
Chukl's IDs:
** c1313f | Illuminati, BB?
Seems to be a legit Illuminati.
Hints at the ongoing Solar Ascension.
>>20131026 pb
Acknowledges the quantum writing guy.
Perhaps he's the usual mixed disinfo campaign.
Mostly the point is the pic, which shows heart light shining with Ascension power.
>>20131177 pb
Dubs. Predicts Biden's false flags in the Middle East will continue to distract from Hunter's prosecution.
>>20131224 pb
Speaks with authority on the Solar Ascension, says will be of long duration.
Picture is of "GOES X-ray flux" chart.
2023 was the biggest year for flares in the last 26 years, which is where the chart ends.
Haven't found a chart that goes further back.
I guess the fear is the already overperforming solar cycle will keep peaking.
nice, this graph goes back to 1749
1960s were a biggest recent solar cycle, and we had the hippy revolution.
Before that, the biggest was the American Revolution.
1870: blacks receive the vote (insanely). Panic of 1837.
Obviously it influences behavior.
The problem is that past performance does not dictate future results. The solar cycle is inadequate for prediction if the problem is charged interstellar dust in the galactic region our local stellar cluster has entered. That explains this cycle's overperformance to date.
c1313f's prediction of a long-duration event fits the P'nti's hints that this new space condition will outlast our lifetimes.
Says Canada is under enemy occupation.
>>20131303 pb
Says the little solar flares have a vicious bite.
>>20131493 pb
I have also felt the solar Ascension energy lately.
>>20131343 pb
>>20131353 pb
>>20131362 pb
Says those who contribute to qresearch earn citizenship.
Presumably in BB's new America.
Poster is suspected BB.
** Lada Gaga
>>20131232 pb
Cabal tranny accepts its award in child-skinning costume.
** "MuhJoo shill"
>>20131394 pb
Defends the phrase.
It's not cool and never will be.
Just call them Nazis or Neo-Nazis, like this:
"OK Nazi".
Otherwise, ID:c140f9 adds nothing but arguing with deleted posts: useless noise. Filtered.
Flag for filtering whenever "muhjoo" is unironically used.
>>20131408 pb
Chukl outs him as a fed.
That would explain it.
Adds that Gab is all Nazis.
>>20131435 pb
Foul hyperbole!
>>20131446 pb
According to Chukl, the Feds are arguing with each other about post deletion.
More forum noise. Toxifying the culture. Filter both.
>>20131645 pb
Hilariously, X now bans accounts for using the fire-extinguisher emoji or picture against Jews.