Anonymous ID: 963cb1 Dec. 26, 2023, 7:30 a.m. No.20132896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2911 >>2914 >>2921 >>2938 >>3036 >>3101 >>3121 >>3155 >>3247

>>20132214 LB

>>20132214 LB

.>t was the morning after Christmas, and nobody has any good news to post.

I turned 47 today , it is neither good nor bad. Actually it is Very Good, I am Happy and Grateful to be alive as many people I grew up with have died from drugs and other dumb shit. I Thank GOD And I Appreciate that I am here and with YOU ALL Frens and Anons, even Famefags and Shills I am able to share this experience with you all. It is a rollercoaster and goes up and down, but we are ALL Very fortunate to be here for this Great Awakening / Ascension this not once in a lifetime event but once in MANY lifetimes event. The more I type the more I am FILLED With joy AND APPRECIATION I am tearing up. THANK YOU ALL And I hope you have Wonderful days today and a Great New Year Upcoming!!. And I love my cat

Anonymous ID: 963cb1 Dec. 26, 2023, 7:51 a.m. No.20132995   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>love of our cats and dogs shows you have a caring nature.

They can sense the energy of a person and even though they can't "Speak" to us we always seem to know what each other wants and can make each other feel better. Thank You for the post and kind words bud!

Anonymous ID: 963cb1 Dec. 26, 2023, 8:56 a.m. No.20133287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3337


>I turned 70 today.


Congratulations buddy !! 70 !1 o7

You know how it is with the Merry Birthday cards, kind of sharing your birthday with Jesus hard to be Jealous of that without being a jerk. I can certainly say it made me less materialistic and not worried about " What I Get" I Wish you a Merry Birthday Anon and Many More!!!

Anonymous ID: 963cb1 Dec. 26, 2023, 9:37 a.m. No.20133468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3496 >>3506


>Momanon is 92

That is GREAT !! Good genes , my Momanon turned 78 at the end of November and had a recent health scare last week when her Blood Sugar was up over 600, it had been getting high over the last few months but she would say she's fine and powered through.. Her Dr did blood work last week and sent her to the ER, I wasn't too concerned over that because she was "Pre-Diabetic and was going to Insulin Dependent Diabetic. She needed to get it under control, the part I was most concerned with was when I found a Vaccine Card in her purse with 4 fucking doses of Vaccine!!! She would agree with me when I would say that Covid was made up and people were being babies with their masks on, she wouldn't wear them and she told me she DIDN'T get the vaccine. I was seriously disappointed in her that she lied to me about it. I would show her obituaries of people in their 50's dying suddenly. We are Buddhist and I tell her she has a very narrow window to come to God, she thinks the only was is through The Bible and Church, It isn't like that just a small change in perception that Jesus was a Buddha and exhibited all the characteristics of a Buddha They are really the Same Archetype, energy compassion and Love behind them. Also if there is a system of Karma that rewards Good deeds and reflects negative ones there must have been some kind of creator / programmer behind that system, it isn't a stretch to say it is God, but it is hard to show people when their programming in a certain direction is so strong. Anyway just a couple cents here for people to chew on.

Anonymous ID: 963cb1 Dec. 26, 2023, 10:14 a.m. No.20133639   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Maybe your mom is more stealthy and got a fake vaxx card.

Being the sneaky Japs that we are I printed one and gave it to her, not that she needed it to go anywhere., The Dr gives a printout of their Health Status and medications, when I was reading it I thought maybe it was suggestions something, but I found her real card in her purse while looking for her med list. It is what it is, I work towards the best outcome regardless, I pray but God also wants people to take action, eating better and whatnot.