Good afternoon, Ghoul. Will you be spamming your usual self-promotion for your scam? Faggot.
You just left the kitchen and you had to thank yourself, huh? You really are the most pathetic of the clowns. At least you get to run that persona now to cope, right dipshit?
Filtered for quantum faggotry. Your entire scam is contingent on the gullible falling for it.
I assume you expect people to have the memory of a goldfish and not remember how you've behaved. Now it seems you had to leave the kitchen and you're running your mimic persona to whine and cry and cope and try to generate a false consensus about individuals. You're going to fail again, and again, and again, HandMeDown, but at least you stick to the assignment with drug addicted fervor.
You hang off my every word. I'm the entire reason for the filenames and the now regular memes that persona posts. You run multiple personas, hence the "You can't filter me" Columbo meme, you just don't attract my attention on those personas but it's not that I don't see you. You're a basic bitch, multi-device paid poster, losing ground by the day, and trying every desperate trick he knows, even hiding behind the perception of an image of another Anon, just because the regular spam that you hid behind is removed on the regular and you whine about it on the regular. Now, fuck off, dipshit.
Looks like you were ejected from the kitchen. You should cry about it with a projection slide persona that you've modeled on another Anon.
The BVs know enough to remove your incessant whining.
It doesn't matter how you frame your current behavior, you have a track record of past behavior that defines you. I also like how you tried generating consensus on what the BVs know.
The reason for an entire persona's existence. It really is humbling, but in the scheme of things: Inconsequential.
You seem to not be familiar with my methods. You should get triggered over them.
Things are so quiet and peaceful with the MuhJoo spam being removed. Anons should have stood up to those shitheads decades ago.
The mimic persona is also designed to be the focus of attention. I enjoy slapping it every now and then to purge negativity from my system.
Dozens does not mean all of them, idiot. When it comes to blacks, they're called a gang, not "It's the blacks." When it comes to the Italians, they're called a mob, not "It's the Italians." Same goes for the Jews, name the criminal, name the crime, being Jewish is not the crime.
Works every time.
Yeah, but you're not Anon. You're a mimic persona of Loretta's.