Anonymous ID: 9ca473 Dec. 26, 2023, 8:10 p.m. No.20136197   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6234 >>6238 >>6246 >>6620


Again and again, this needs to be pointed out:


  1. "Palestine" was under Ottoman rule and was not considered an entity. It was ruled in the form of different districts, and the people there were nothing but subjects who came and passed.


  1. 1918-1948 Great Britain ran a MANDATE, NOT A STATE, in this region to establish a Jewish state, but later changed into two separate states, one Jewish, one Arab. They announced the plan in 1947, which enraged the Arabs who wanted ALL OF IT and started a civil war, although the Jews purchased their lands. Apparently, being given a state that they would never have received under the Ottoman Empire wasn't good enough.


  1. 1948: Civil war escalated. Jews declared Israel. Arabs declared war on Israel with the aim of GETTING RID OF THE JEWS AND TAKING THE ENTIRE LAND!!!


Guess what? THEY LOST BADLY!


So, Israel took more than initially assigned. Egypt occupied Gaza, Jordan occupied and ANNEXED the West Bank.


During THIS civil war and war, the "nakba" happened, which is the flight and expulsion of Arabs who were not allowed to come back. It didn't happen because Israel didn't want Arabs.


  1. 1967: Israel responded to Arab states, which were lining up troops and instating blockades, by declaring war, which resulted in occupying large amounts of land.


  1. 1973-1983 Israel gave Sinai back to Egypt in return for peace and recognition.


  1. Israel was officially in control of Gaza and the West Bank but worked toward self-governance for the Palestinian Arabs, which even led to Israel recognizing the Palestinian Authority as a legitimate government under which Palestine could become a sovereign state.


  1. 2005: Israel completely left Gaza and removed all Jewish settlements, some by force. Israel left a blockade in place that would be gradually lifted. Gaza elected Hamas, which had the clear mission of wanting to ERADICATE THE JEWS and DESTROY ISRAEL and NEVER MAKE PEACE, from where it went downhill.


  • Israel did not "steal" land at any point.

  • Israel gave land and autonomy to work toward peace


  • Gaza & West Bank are only autonomous entities today because Israel ALLOWED it, which, as it seems now, was probably a bad decision.


  • If Israel was the genocidal bad guy, there would be no "Palestinians" left after 1967.


Be a bit grateful or at least honest!


Last edited

5:55 AM · Dec 25, 2023 ·965.2K Views

Anonymous ID: 9ca473 Dec. 26, 2023, 8:45 p.m. No.20136297   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kanye in Las Vegas?


Las Vegas - Casino Security on the LV Strip responding to a men’s restroom on a disturbance- drunk male attempting to share a urinal with other men - subject now laughing at other guests in the restroom- caller thinks the subject is “about to get hurt”

10:50 PM · Dec 26, 2023


Anonymous ID: 9ca473 Dec. 26, 2023, 8:54 p.m. No.20136305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6312 >>6435


#Breaking News: The tropical disease leishmaniasis has been found in human children in Texas.The disease is spread by a sand fly and most commonly found in Iraq, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.


The disease is fatal if not treated and can cause black fever and boils on the skin. For now it’s only been found in a few children, but doctors are watching to see if it spreads.


Why is our southern border still wide open?


10:42 PM · Dec 26, 2023


Anonymous ID: 9ca473 Dec. 26, 2023, 9:24 p.m. No.20136337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6348 >>6353 >>6387 >>6394 >>6476 >>6522 >>6548 >>6554


Five ways that Hitler was preferable to Trump


  1. He fought for his country

  2. He never used a teleprompter

  3. He was nice to dogs

  4. He wrote his own books

  5. He never played golf

  6. He wasn't a big fat slob


Five ways Trump is preferable to Hitler


  1. He doesn't practice genocide

  2. He has nicer hair




8:06 PM · Dec 26, 2023·558.1K Views