>so a little spirit killed the blalocks.
>Flynn is evil
He is a hooknosed fuckwit!
>Anons that believe /trust Flynn are very fucking stupid.
Correct, or simply on the jewside.
>His head is inches wider than his dad's.
>Your body is a vessel.
I know, I am the Ark of the Covenant. LMAO
The filthy Yids are not my sons!
They might like to be, but they are not part of the covenant of the German people.
A covenant of the living, the dead and the German gods.
B'nai B'rithDie Söhne desBundes(Sons of the covenant) Would-be germans!
Filthy yiddish fuckwits perverted everything!
Bundeslade (Ark of the covenant)
Bundesrepublik (Federal Republic)
Bundespräsident (President of the Federal Republic)
Bundeskanzler (Federal Chancellor)
Bundesbank (Federal Bank)
Bundesstaat (Federal State)
Bundesminister (Federal Minister)
Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Supreme Court)
Bundesgesetz (Federal Law)
Bundeswehr (Federal Armed Forces)
Bundespolizei (Federal Police)
Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Intelligence Service)