Anonymous ID: da0a6b Dec. 27, 2023, 10:24 a.m. No.20138238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8271 >>8332




muh Qanon

check out this faggot.

Brown version of the meme


>>20137138, >>20137262, >>20137312, >>20137330, >>20137386, >>20137515, >>20137520, >>20137523, >>20137539, >>20137570 Request for Proposals Elections Data Management System Developmental and Support Issued


>>20137626 Senior DHS official and former FBI Executive Brian Murphy joins Logically

>>20137602 >DHS whistleblower testifies before House Intelligence Committee

>>20137594 Think Logically

>>20137727 2020 electin use cae Report behind a email wall

>>20137746 Research Partners. One of which is Middlebury Institute of Internatinoal Studies Monterrey (California). Same outfit as the grant mentioned earlier


The AI-powered fact checker that investigates QAnon influencers shares its secret weapon

Can it help more internet users fight online misinformation?

By Matt Binder on March 1, 2021


When it comes to QAnon, there's one major player behind a majority of the investigations into who's responsible for some of the movement's far-right conspiracy theories. The fact-checking technology firm Logically has uncovered the failed screenwriter turned major QAnon promoter, the Citigroup executive secretly running a major QAnon hub, and the QAnon platforms connected to 8kun owner Jim Watkins — among others.


Founded in 2017 byCEO Lyric Jain, the company combines its AI tech with human fact-checking experts in order to uncover, track, archive, and debunk conspiracy theories ranging from QAnon to misinformation about COVID-19. The company already has a few public-facing products, such as mobile apps and web browser extensions to help users navigate online misinformation they may come across throughout their everyday internet use.


Now, the company has announced it’s opening up one of the secret weapons it's used to take on QAnon to third parties: Logically Intelligence, an AI-powered web platform that finds and analyzes online misinformation, as well as provides courses of action to take against it.


“Logically Intelligence is a culmination of four years of work,” Jain explained to me. “We can find ways to predict the impact of emerging threats and give our partners ways to mitigate them.”


While the platform is currently only available to a few select government agencies around the world, last week, Logically provided Mashable with an exclusive online tour of Logically Intelligence. Here's what it can do.


Enter the situation room


Using Logically Intelligence, users can track multiple online themes or narratives, such as specific keywords or types of conversations surrounding a conspiracy theory. Each conspiracy or misinformation theme is broken down in individual "Situation Rooms." For example, a user looking to track COVID-19 misinformation can set up a situation room around that narrative and Logically Intelligence will track down online conversations about those coronavirus conspiracy theories and disinformation campaigns from across the entire web.


A QAnon situation room on Logically Intelligence provides a dashboard with a quick summary of what it's monitoring. Credit: logically


The screenshot above shows a situation room monitoring QAnon content. As you can see, even though Facebook and Twitter have banned QAnon from its platforms, most of the content Logically Intelligence found related to the conspiracy still comes from these two platforms.


Logically Intelligence can pull in content from social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit, as well as news articles and sites from across the internet. Anyone who has ever used a social media or press monitoring tool like Sprout or Awario will be quite familiar with this part of Logically Intelligence.

Anonymous ID: da0a6b Dec. 27, 2023, 10:32 a.m. No.20138271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8296 >>8300 >>8332


>Founded in 2017 byCEO Lyric Jain, the company combines its AI tech with human fact-checking experts in order to uncover, track, archive, and debunk conspiracy theories ranging from QAno


we had our very own 'Situation Room'


Scanning even the dark corners of the web


One of the things that Logically Intelligence does that those other monitoring platforms don’t is track content from emerging alternative social media services. Logically’s platform can track content from sites like Parler, Gab, and even public group chats on Telegram.


This is an extremely important feature as many misinformation spreaders and conspiracy theorists, including QAnon influencers, move to these alternative platforms. While mainstream social media sites can tell users where and how falsehoods are spreading, the source of these claims often lie on those alternative platforms.


Logically tells Mashable that it remains engaged in how its clients are using the platform. In fact, certain features — such as the ability to track users and content on Parler, Gab, and Telegram — are only activated by request to trusted partners. (Logically tells me that it needs to consistently update its platform to pull this data due to the social media services constantly changing their tech, which is why it's not activated as the default at this time.)

How it works


COVID-19 misinformation threats can be analyzed in detail by the platform. Credit: logically


Individual pieces of content are broken down by Logically Intelligence's AI to provide numerous points of data.


Take the above screenshot of an anti-vaxxer's post pulled by the platform. Logically Intelligence analyzes the content in order to provide details on how far-reaching a specific account and the post’s audience is, along with the demographics targeted. The AI is also able to uncover any recurring or new narratives coming from these posts. Based on this information, Logically Intelligence categorizes pieces of misinformation into threat categories such as false information, toxic information, and inauthentic accounts.


An extremely important feature here is that each post pulled by Logically Intelligence is archived right on the platform, so they remain accessible regardless of whether the original poster or the social media platform removes the content.


Logically Intelligence also provides a visual experience to explore the data. The screenshot above almost looks like a beautiful piece of art…until you remember that it's connecting some of the most bizarre and even dangerous conspiracy theories andnefarious actors on the internet. This web cloud helps users connect the dots between different pieces of misinformation. Users can see what accounts are posting certain hashtags or articles and how they're being spread across the internet. This is all extremely helpful for users looking to connect threads or find the originating source for falsehoods and for monitoring specific influential users and narratives that are being latched onto.

Finding the bots and preventing bad actors


The platform doesn’t just suss out misinformation. It can also uncover accounts weaponized to carry out disinformation campaigns such as bot accounts, accounts impersonating other users, accounts utilizing automated behaviors, and even extremist content.


Countermeasures is where Logically Intelligence users can take action against misinformation threats it discovers through the platform. Credit: Logically

Anonymous ID: da0a6b Dec. 27, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.20138300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8332




>we had our very own 'Situation Room'

<those gaslighting examples


This is where the countermeasures feature — which helps facilitate actual action to be taken against a user or a piece of content — comes into play. Using Logically Intelligence, users can request that human misinformation experts look into a specific claim in order to provide crucial fact checking. They can also report the content to social media companies like Facebook and Twitter from right on the platform.


Currently, the platform is being testedwith only select governmental bodies around the world. While Logically didn't divulge exactly who is using the platform, the company did say thatLogically Intelligence was utilized in a U.S. battleground state during the 2020 election to identity 40,000 threats to election integrity.(Logically says the platform has uncovered more than 3.4 million pieces of "high threat" content over the past 12 months.)


A core user base made up of government agencies brought up numerous concerns for me. Such as: What if a government agency tried to use the platform to classify critical factual information about the ruling administration as misinformation? Examplesof this range from Myanmar’s new government cracking down on anti-coup protesters to U.S. law enforcement monitoring Black Lives Matter activists and propagandizing against protests last summer.


Logically’s CEO says the company monitors how clients use Logically Intelligence. This isn't hard for now, at least, as only a few select third parties are using the service. Human fact checkers analyze the veracity of the claims on the platform, so not everything is dependent on AI, which might miss the nuance in some of the scenarios mentioned above. On top of that, any use of the platform that deviates from its purpose of monitoring misinformation would need to be signed off by the company’s ethics board. Logically says it’s selective of who it works with and contractually reserves the right to end a partnership at any time.


Facing tech challenges and beyond


The main challenge for Logically Intelligence isn’t just technological. The company will need to keep working on its AI in order to keep it up to date with the ever-changing landscape of the internet. Logically Intelligence will also require its human fact-checkers to keep their fingers on the pulse of what’s spreading online. As Logically Intelligence grows its user base from just a few select governmental bodies, the company will also need to ensure its platform isn’t being used by bad actors.


Those using the platform in good faith also need to know that this tool won’t solve the misinformation problem. But by using Logically Intelligence, one can definitely help keep track of the problem, get a better understanding of how it’s spreading, and help squash specific false narratives.Perhaps they’ll even unmask some QAnon influencers of their own.


Topics Artificial Intelligence



Anonymous ID: da0a6b Dec. 27, 2023, 10:45 a.m. No.20138332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8442


>The AI-powered fact checker that investigates QAnon influencers shares its secret weapon



>While Logically didn't divulge exactly who is using the platform, the company did say thatLogically Intelligence was utilized in a U.S. battleground state during the 2020 electionto identity 40,000 threats to election integrity.(Logically says the platform has uncovered more than 3.4 million pieces of "high threat" content over the past 12 months.)


the example shot of these faggots deboonking in muh Qanon situation room includes the

killed with a fire extinguisher media hoax

Anonymous ID: da0a6b Dec. 27, 2023, 11:07 a.m. No.20138442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8468


>killed with a fire extinguisher media hoax

moar samples of's debooonking







Hunter Biden's business partner confirms email showing Joe being offered 10 percent stake in Chinese business deal.


Devika Khandelwal

pin icon


United States


Oct 27, 2020 12:31:00 AM

Hunter Biden's business partner confirms email showing Joe being offered 10 percent stake in Chinese business deal.


Tony Bobulinski will provide documents to the government authorities which allegedly support the claim. The documents have not been verified yet.


On Oct. 14, the New York Post published an article based on leaked private photos from Hunter Biden's allegedly personal hard drive, including photos that appeared to show the Biden sleeping and screenshots of unverified emails claiming that he had used his position on the board of an energy company in Ukraine to set up a meeting with his father. The hard drive is reportedly with Rudy Giuliani, US President Donald Trump's lawyer, and no media organisation has been able to independently verify the contents of the hard drive and whether the hard drive belongs to Hunter Biden. Giuliani has handed over the laptop to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) "claiming it contains emails that show a variety of misdeeds and corruption — even if the emails aren’t all verified, don’t offer conclusive evidence of the misdeeds and bear the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation effort," reported Politico.


One of the several claims making rounds is that Hunter Biden's business partner, Tony Bobulinski, who confirmed to Fox News, that one of the emails showing Joe Biden being offered 10 percent stake in Chinese business deals is genuine. He further, "said the family “aggressively leveraged the Biden family name to make millions” from foreign entities. The email shows there was a discussion of “remuneration packages” for six people involved in a business deal with the now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co and it states “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?” wherein big guy allegedly refers to Joe Biden.


However, the unverified emails do not conclusively show Joe Biden acting corruptly, or interceding on behalf of his son, when he was the Vice President. Bobulinski has agreed to provide documents to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that allegedly show Joe Biden was going to get a 10 percent cut from the venture, according to Breitbart and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is yet to deliver its judgement.


Many experts have questioned the validity and timing of the report published by the New York Post and more than 50 former intelligence officials have signed a letter stating their belief the story is part of a foreign disinformation campaign.

Reference links








Rolling Stone


Anonymous ID: da0a6b Dec. 27, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.20138468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8480


>moar samples of's debooonking

Partnership with Tik Tok


Logically announces UK partnership with TikTok




Published: Feb 3, 2021 1:05:00 PM

Logically announces UK partnership with TikTok


Today, we are proud to announce our new partnership with TikTok, the short-form mobile video app, in the UK. Through the application of our state-of-the-art technology and expert human reviewers, we’ll be helping TikTok to determine whether content shared on the platform is false, misleading or misinformation.



By leveraging our dual-pronged approach to fact checking, we are able to detect and classify misinformation at speed and at scale. The result being that potentially harmful and/or toxic content can be removed from platforms quickly and before it has the chance to proliferate.



We are thrilled to be working with one of the world’s fastest growing content platforms to support their bid to tackle misinformation and take steps to further protect its users.



Anonymous ID: da0a6b Dec. 27, 2023, 11:14 a.m. No.20138480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8484 >>8497



A Year in Logically

Lyric Jain

Lyric Jain

Lyric Jain

CEO @Logically - Tackling Misinformation and Improving Civic Discourse through Human and Artificial Intelligence

Published Mar 24, 2021

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It already feels like a cliché to say how much has changed over the past 12 months. The pandemic has affected every one of us and brought challenges to every business, Logically included.


The pandemic accelerated many societal and cultural trends that were already gaining traction. Unfortunately, the creation and spread of misinformation and disinformation by bad actors for malign purposes was one of them. This was almost immediately apparent to our team, as we saw an explosion of fact check requests relating to COVID-19. We had to dramatically scale up our operations to handle the increase in volume during spring last year, which has barely dissipated as the year has unfolded. Over the last nine months, Logically was responsible for checking over a third of all the COVID-19 fact check claims conducted globally.


I’m incredibly proud of everything the team has been able to achieve over the past year, despite exceptionally challenging circumstances. Our team more than doubled over 2020 alone. We expanded our teams in product, engineering, data science, editorial and fact-checking and business development, all of whom have brought an unbending commitment to the company and our mission.


Despite the fact the majority of our colleagues have never met each other face to face, we’ve had a transformative year in terms of company growth, market traction, product launches and technological breakthroughs.


I’m incredibly proud of everything the team has been able to achieve over the past year, despite exceptionally challenging circumstances


Back in March last year, we only had one product available in the UK and India: our consumer app which allows anyone to access reliable news sources, as well as submit a fact check to be reviewed by our semi-automated fact check service. We followed this up with a browser extension that rates the credibility and veracity of news articles, news sites and social media platforms, giving people more information and context about the news they’re reading. We launched both of these products in the US last year, deliberately timed ahead of the 2020 elections.


The 2020 US election campaign, and the deep concern over the potential impact of mis- and disinformation, led us to focus a significant amount of time monitoring one of the most dramatic democratic events in living memory.In addition to our investigations team uncovering the operator of the largest QAnon aggregator site, we were able to undertake some important work helping a high profile battleground state enhance its election integrity efforts, surfacing potential online threats aimed at discouraging voter turnout.


We also purpose-built new technological capabilities specifically for the presidential debates. Our combined team of data scientists, analysts and fact checkers made it possible to fact check the debates in real time for those watching in our app. It was a huge technological and logistical feat, and we were delighted it was showcased on BBC Click last year.


It’s been a busy start to 2021 so far. In addition to announcing our new UK partnership with TikTok, we recently launched our new threat intelligence platform, Logically Intelligence. It’s the result of years of research, technological innovation and on the ground experience working with governments around the world. It is also testament to our fantastic team, whose hard work and unfailing determination has made the launch of this platform possible.

Anonymous ID: da0a6b Dec. 27, 2023, 11:15 a.m. No.20138484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8497


>A Year in Logically


I’ve felt honoured to see some of the recent responses to our work. Earlier this month in the US we were awarded a place in Fast Company's list of the world's most innovative companies, ranking second in artificial intelligence. Last month in India, Logically was awarded the prestigious 11th Annual AEGIS Graham Bell Award for Innovation in Artificial Intelligence. And in January in the UK, we were named as one of the most exciting tech companies working with governments by international consultancy, StateUp. I’m so proud of this recognition of the team’s work around the world.


2021 will be another significant year for Logically. The threats posed by harmful misinformation and deliberate disinformation continue to mount, and the real world harms are clear. We are currently working with governments around the world to combat this, supporting election integrity efforts, national security, and protecting national COVID-19 vaccine rollout programmes from misinformation interference.


The challenges posed by the information crisis have never been greater, and it has never been more important to work together to overcome them. I’m excited about the year ahead and look forward to continuing to work with a range of partners to support their efforts in restoring public trust in information once again.



Anonymous ID: da0a6b Dec. 27, 2023, 11:18 a.m. No.20138497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>A Year in Logically



These inspiring small and medium businesses are helping the world navigate COVID-19 together

October 30, 2020


PJ Dwyer


Head of EMEA SMB Sales, Google Cloud


Keeping the public informed on the facts


Meanwhile, being exposed to an overload of information about COVID-19 brings its own kinds of challenges to the general public. Between January and April 2020, 100 million social media posts and more than 25 million long-form documents, such as news articles and blog posts, were published about COVID-19. Amongst them were not only important recommendations published by health experts, but also conspiracy theories and misinformation with potential to put lives at risk. This surge in media and public interest presented Logically, an AI-powered platform fighting online misinformation, with a workload 10 times greater than it processes in a typical month. Faced with the challenge of exponential demand,Google Cloud connected Logically with Searce, a Global Google Cloud Premier Partner, to quickly scale-up using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Searce helped implement a combination of preemptible and on-demand node pools on Google Cloud to scale cost-effectively. In the new architecture, Logically can offer a high degree of availability to users and public sector partners looking to fact-check online information about COVID-19. To help tackle the spread of false information about the pandemic and improve the information landscape for more than a billion people around the world, the platform has identified half a million false posts and articles, and alerted partners to 13 million instances of bot involvement on social media.