Anonymous ID: 064d2b Dec. 27, 2023, 7:09 p.m. No.20141054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So our Belevolent President has apparently given the faux/hanniFraud water-carrying lapdog founder of JustThe~~news~~Trash some eyeballs tonight. Has that hack piece of garbage ever retracted this? He was certainly quick enough to PARROT and spread this SLANDEROUS, STILL-Damaging, outright and extremely blatant LIE. (Certainly a different story when it came to HUNTER, however). So-called 'conservatives', are STILL parroting this j6 LIE … and just what the fuck is meant by SWEATY CHATROOM, anyway?


January 8, 2021 Tucker Carlson blasts Trump, says he 'recklessly encouraged' supporters before riot at Capitol "That is in fact what happened," Carlson said. "What happened yesterday, they're telling us, wasn't simply that a political protest got out of hand after the president recklessly encouraged it, that is in fact what happened," Carlson said, …”We've gone from being this big continental country with an enormous span of concerns and interests to a sweaty chat room of 300 million people, all of whom are focused on a single man, Donald Trump,”… "At some point you've got to wonder about where our country is putting all of its energy," Carlson continued. "Is any single president, anyone worth all of this time and attention? All politicians whether you agree with them or not come with a shelf life…In Trump's case, the expiration date arrives in 13 days, and after that, he will not be president."


AND what about this? Rudy Giuliani Says Sean Hannity, John Solomon & Mike Pompeo “BURIED” Hunter Laptop from Hell in 2019 ‘I gave it to Hannity in early 2019, then to John Solomon, then to Mike Pompeo, who also buried it.’ VID: Around the 4:20 mark. WHONEEDEDCNN!


Was "forbidden" to mention TRUMP at Christmas family gathering by visiting relatives because (and I quote) “He lies”. Guess who they love, however, and has NEVER, EVER lied about ANYTHING? clown fucking carlson and anyone carrying his water. The Law here in Little Leningrad, U.S. is: Love on ANYONE but TRUMP. There is something seriously wrong when people who hang on carlson, hannifraud & their cohorts’ every word defend these dirty controlled talking puppets as though they're their firstborn(s) and have ZERO clue regarding ANYTHING TRUMP. The WAR isn't with "democrats" or "the left".