>You have no idea what’s coming.
implying you do?
spill it
or zip it
>Took me forever to type all that out
a good secretary would type that in well under a min
if i were you, i wouldn't make an announcement like that, for several reasons
this MAN did more to wake the normies than all anons put together
the world is a sadder darker place today
RIP Tom Smothers
>I'm not a secretary.
neither am i, but…
>Took me forever to type all that out
sounds kinda retarded and extremely whiny
by Tom Smothers
You seem to confuse me with someone that gives a fuck what you think
read that back to yourself
triggered millennial fuckwit
there are more people reading this exchange than just you and i
maybe if you cared more what people thought
you wouldn't be such an useless incompetent buffoon that it takes you "forever" to type 100 words
and you would have more self-respect than to whine about how hard it was to type 100 words
just sayin'…
>this one thinks it's clever as it tries to abuse someone but just reveals what a creep it is.
this one defends incomptence and petulance but just reveals it's true colors and agenda
maybe give the fuckwit another trophy, like you did in jew-controlled public schools, and he'll be an even bigger whiny twat
on a different day, i might opt for 'short and to the point'
but my personal preference is jethro rather than cleetus
not that cleetus isn't good, too
>Every response has been an attack
that is demonstrably false…
but let me aks you, what is it exactly that YOU'RE doing?
irony much, hypocrite?
>cheep death threat
i never make cheap death threats
i leave that to passive-aggressive faggots like you
b… b… b… but what about muh high tech AI CGI deepfakes????
>now it grasps at trying to say that I call it names, but all I do is describe what it does
oxymoron much, ironic hypocrite?
>Simple answers satisfy simple minds
but that doesn't make the answer wrong
lame ass attempt at deflection brought to you by media matters
my post count says 909
we anywhere near 751 yet???
yeah… agreed
IDK what all the hubhub is about…
CGI and deepfakes are impressive, no doubt
but if anyone looks closely, they're obviously CGI and deepfakes
>You can with electricity. Gold is made from silver.
dontcha just love it when tards with comic book edjumacashuns get to 'splainin' science-y stuff for us?
>I dunno we can make Vitamin C from Sugar molecules by re-arranging the atoms. So… re-arrange the atoms.
the stoopit….
it BURNS…..
for the love of God and humanity
cut your dick off before you accidentally procreate
>29 post count with shit smeared all over the reply. Icky poo poo.
keep going, you'll catch up, glownigger