You're too dumb to realize you need components to make something. I dunno how much more simple I can explain it. You cannot create something from nothing.
Please tell me how one creates something from nothing then.
Why would I listen to a dumbass on what to do that doesn't even know you cannot create something from nothing?
Having ingredients is not nothing, that's something. Holy fuck.
Who Hoped it?
I told you! Infinity! A fart in the windโฆ vibrations, sounds, electricity, sparks. It always was, is, and will be. If you keep going back and back who created what before what, the logic breaks. Therefore, it's Infinity.
Imagine a source particle that has no limitations. This means, it is everywhere, everything, at the same time. We are all entangled together. There is overlapping of existences in frequencies we do not perceive. Multiple timelines, dimensions, Universes.
If you want to go the God route. He said "I am the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. That means God is infinity, the Source particle.
Nothing cannot pop into existence exactlyโฆ you're proving me right.
Exactly, it's 'not' nothing. Nothing is only an idea within Infinity.
Eat shit you lost the argument. Gave up.
That doesn't mean the nothing you perceive came first. The particle already existed, just popping in and out of places.
There hasn't been anything observed that is absent of anything and everything though? Dark matter, grey matter, vibrations, energy, frequency. Mandelbrot.
Yes, I never speak in nothings. There is only Winning.
i did lose my cool calling ya'll dumbasses though. I was wrong there. Shoulda just kept the PhD lesson civilized.