Anonymous ID: cf98df Dec. 27, 2023, 7:54 p.m. No.20141278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1291 >>1434 >>1446 >>1453 >>1455 >>1476 >>1626 >>1819 >>1927 >>1951

In memory of Chuck Shramek the photographer of the Saturn-like object by the Hale Bopp comet in November of 1996, which gained him international notoriety…his appearance on Art Bell Dec 6, 1996 when all the shit was going down. He was this anon's best friend and partner in early chemtrail research. He started getting loud on Houston radio and the net about the programs and investigation in late1999/early 2000. He would have been 73 today. He was killed by a massive multi-system cancer which his oncologist said he had never seen anything like it ever. First felt pain Feb 13/14th, died May23rd 2000. I watched them zip him up in the body bag.

I miss him. He would have loved this board and you all would have loved him.

He was one of the smartest and funniest people I have ever known. Did his "Screaming Editorials" on Houston ROCK 101 radio for 30 years. Taught himself Morse code at the age of 9. Opened his segments with Morse code and people thought it was sound effects. It wasn't. He would do shit like send "Mark's hair is fake" referring to Mark Stevens of Stevens & Pruett the AM DJs. One day a tugboat captain in the Houston ship channel called the station and asked them if they knew he was broadcasting "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you" over and over in Morse code. Definitely a FCC violation. There will never be another one like him. So, Happy Chuckmas to all. Here's link.

Anonymous ID: cf98df Dec. 27, 2023, 9:21 p.m. No.20141512   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah. There was this guy named Ken Welch (appropriate name) that that contacted us with some interesting chemtrail theories. Chuck invited him to come to Houston to meet and talk. He came in a RV and parked it in Chuck's driveway for a couple days. We determined he was not someone we wanted to colab with and Chuck wanted him to leave. Chuck had a copy of the radio station broadcast equipment in his home as sometimes he did his show remotely. When Ken kind of himmed and hawed when asked to leave, Chuck got pissed. While Ken was out in the RV, Chuck got his AK47, a glock, and another gun and set them up just inside the back door. Then he told me to go to the room's light switch and on his signal, I was to turn the reverb up and down over and over. Then he cranked up some crazy woo woo sound effects very loud and gave me the signal. Ken heard it, came running into the house to see wtf, saw the guns, then ran back out and pulled that RV out pretty damn fast. lol