Anonymous ID: 541a8a Dec. 28, 2023, 4:30 a.m. No.20142206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2222

replying to


** Jews demand open (White) borders cuz muh Holocaust


>>20139979 pb

> The Culture of Critique - Kevin McDonald


** The Jew fears the Samurai



>>20139364 pb

Presumably why the Cabal killed Shinzo.

Jews get nowhere with the Chinese either.

Art of War is wise to all their tricks.

Anonymous ID: 541a8a Dec. 28, 2023, 7:03 a.m. No.20142554   🗄️.is 🔗kun

replying to


** Saturn black cube


>>20140397 pb

Subthread visually demonstrates Cabal allegiance of Judaism and Islam:

Black cube at Muslim Kaaba and bound to Jewish foreheads

cube tilted on side has silhouette of hexagon

star of david is a hexagon

saturn's north pole has hexagonal storm

Saturn is Cabal HQ, where Sauron/Satan dwells

See for extradimensional insight into Saturnine Cabal xenos


** Baked baker


e3b3a8 is remarkably competent, compared to the average.

Had to check whether he was Illuminati.

He started the Saturn black cube thread while trolling censored DocLaffin, apparently.

Board not dead yet.


>>20140433 pb

> …Every monotheistic 'religion', through history. Predating the 'big 3'.

Claims they were all Saturnine.


Considering he notabled a Schumann resonance spike, he could be one.

I assume that was the recent Ascension energy spike BB mentioned here.


** Q candidate: 0b4c13


*** Wild One


>>20140449 pb

Film: The Wild One

Johnny Strabler - pictured in gif, holding trophy

> member of the MC, Pidgeon, steals the second-place trophy (the first place one being too large to hide) and presents it to Johnny.

> When Chino takes Johnny's trophy, the two start fighting and Johnny wins.

> He first tries to hide his humiliation and acts as though he is leaving after getting a cup of coffee, but then he returns, smiles and gives her the stolen trophy as a gift.



gif plausibly captures Q's ambivalence at holding the "trophy" of starting what is currently a shitshow.

ID: 0b4c13 is plausibly Q, still posting here.


ID has 6 posts. Investigating…


*** What's coming


> >You have no idea what’s coming.

>>20140243 pb


This is a grim apocalyptic masturbation pun on "what's coming", with the end of the electrical grid requiring man to relearn how to make fire manually.


Tom Hanks - Do Disturbn't


Cast Away - Building Fire


The one anon who laughed at the joke is a Christian like Q, but says nothing else interesting.


Attitude towards said dieoff:


>>20140328 pb



*** Other


>>20140421 pb

posted a comprehensive graphic explaining the Saturn black cube relationship to Judaism and Islam.

It is too widespread to trivially trace now.


>>20140232 pb

excellent taste in tits, from Met-art.


*** Conclusion


Could be Q. If so, seems to be a heterosexual Illuminati with a sense of humor.

Not a Gray, in other words.


** chukl warden


298807 changed his style to escape the spam bin?

177bf2 back to form, with increased wordcount

maybe board improvement has raised his budget

>>20141109 pb argues he is not a true Christian


** insiders/Illuminati


*** f07453


>>20140340 pb

>>20140400 pb

Depopulation plan proceeds, as mRNA continues to kill.


>>20140285 pb

Confirms Melania rumor, making him an insider at least.


> the shock and surprise will be kinetic warfare on CONUS


>>20140374 pb

> paid editorial posted on ZH about Darpa demon Robert Malone


So Malone is fractious and paranoid.

Reading his pandemic experience, I can see why:

Lying spooks will make you paranoid.


Not sure what Malone did to get called a demon, but I suppose developing the mRNA tech is bad enough.