Anonymous ID: 6b62c3 Dec. 28, 2023, 3:17 a.m. No.20142082   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2084

Election Wizard 🇺🇸




Trump on Nikki Haley for VP:


“No, I’m not considering anybody at this time. Look, I want to win…whoever the choice of Vice President is has virtually no impact as to who is going to get a nomination to get elected


Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) on X


Trump on Nikki Haley for VP: “No, I’m not considering anybody at this time. Look, I want to win…whoever the choice of Vice President is has virtually no impact as to who is going to get a nomination…


Dec 28, 2023, 6:06 AM

Anonymous ID: 6b62c3 Dec. 28, 2023, 3:25 a.m. No.20142089   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2090 >>2322 >>2325 >>2529 >>2750 >>2821

Javier Milei Continues Cleaning House: Announces Layoff of 5,000 Government Employees

By Jeff Charles | 8:05 PM on December 27, 2023


On Tuesday, Milei's Economy Minister announced a series of emergency economic measures. The goal is to balance Argentina's budget in 2024. The cut is the equivalent of the US reducing its $6.4 trillion budget by $1.4 trillion.


All government employees hired in the last year will be fired. Caputo said this is to end "a habitual political practice of incorporating friends and family before the end of a presidential term."


All government advertising will be suspended for a year. "There is no money for expenses which are not strictly necessary and far less to sustain with tax-payer funding media which were only created to sing the praises of the incumbent government," Caputo said.


Reducing government ministries to nine and secretariats from 106 to 54 will cut senior political posts by over 50%, and the number of political posts will be cut by 34%.


Transfers of money to provinces will stop except for the bare minimum. These transfers have previously been used to reward friends and buy political favors. Not mentioned is that the government jobs they supported will also go away along with the transfers.


All public works contracts are canceled unless the project is already underway.


Energy and transportation subsidies will be reduced. The transportation subsidies are essentially a jobs program.

Anonymous ID: 6b62c3 Dec. 28, 2023, 3:25 a.m. No.20142090   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Current welfare programs will continue, but an emphasis will be on paying recipients directly rather than through a web of intermediaries. Payments for child care and food will be doubled.


The Argentine peso is devalued by 54%.


Quotas and licenses for exports and imports are abolished. In the past, businesses had to get government permission for foreign trade. Caputo said, "This takes the discretionary element out of the process of approving imports, guaranteeing transparency. Whoever wants to import can now do so, full stop."


Taxes on non-agricultural exports and imports will be raised to the same level as those on agricultural products.



The immediate results of this action are obvious. Salaries and benefits for public employees constitute a substantial portion of government expenditures. By laying off this many employees, the state can reduce its wage bill, freeing up funds for other areas.


Cutting this level of staff could also make the state’s operations more streamlined and efficient. A leaner workforce could increase productivity and lessen the weight of bureaucracy. This move signals Milei’s commitment to serious reform and is paving the way for much-needed changes in the public sector and other areas of the economy.