17th letter of alphabet Q
More like the FBI CIA uses childporn fuckers because they are a great asset for compromising people in hollywood, politics, other agencies politicians etc. They can talk and so they are dead. thats all
a child fucker is not a good guy. come on.
more like vegas went bad and he is a liability to all now. I dont think vegas went down like it was planned.
to have a reason to kill us when we try to red pill others, i.e. waco, ruby ridge, Bundy's
didnt Q say "bank fraud" there is no mention of bank fraud here. so IT is hard to prove to people who dont understand IT, but how did they take down mafia when they needed to?
riiiiggggghhhht. is it being filmed? those two fat pigs would not ever starve themselves. the only hunger strike they are on is from the blood they are feeding on.
this does not seem like rocket science to me. Nigeria, Venezuela, Congo? Hello, war torn countries, another going through a complete communist take over. would Glencore have something to do with that along with raping their countries for Cobalt which may be used for underground DUMBS for some reason? theory here.