You're so full of ever loving SHIT "Q"
Each time your posts get blown out exposing you as a LARP, you spin into a different narrative
You're so full of ever loving SHIT "Q"
Each time your posts get blown out exposing you as a LARP, you spin into a different narrative
"Q Anon" is full of SHIT.
Look at him spin this Imran Awan plea deal. This is so fucking tiresome.
Every. Fucking. Time. that "Q" is caught as a larper, you fucking cultists spin for him. Literally NOTHING has happened. In fact the Dems keep avoiding ANY jail time.
And "Q" will just tell you to 'trust the plan". And you fucking RETARDS will swallow it.
Literally not ONE person out of the entire "swamp" has gone to jail, been fined, been indicted.
But you fucking RETARDS just keep saying "trust the plan". Has it ever dawned on you that "Q" doesn't actually know SHIT??
Ask "Q" why after a YEAR of his posting, and telling you guys to "trust the plan"…..not ONE of the so-called "Swamp" have been indicted or gone to prison??
Q doesn't know jack SHIT.
In fact, I'm willing to bet "Q" is here to demoralize Trump supporters. And it's going to be fucking BRUTAL when you retards are 'trusting the plan' a YEAR from now
>There's 40,000 indictments to go at, retardfag. They are in there somewhere. They got Al Capone for tax evasion Hilldawg & Co have done far worse. Start at RICO and go from there.
Yeah you fucking retarded monkey. And most of the SEALED INDICTMENTS are in California and Texas.
Think, you fucking low IQ monkey. What do Texas and California have in common? The "Swamp"??? LMFAO
"Q" thinks you're retarded, and he's right