Anonymous ID: 4ac1b4 Dec. 28, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.20143795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3889 >>4100 >>4219 >>4468

Canadian Government Admits 48,780 Excess Deaths in 2022 (17% Increase in Mortality). There Is No Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Saved a Single Life in Canada During 2021-2022


The Statistics Canada Report can be accessed HERE.


Excess deaths:


Let’s start by analyzing some simple numbers.

48,780 excess deaths in 2022 compared to 2019. 17% increase in mortality.

That’s 0.128% of the population, or 1 in every 784 Canadians died in 2022.

In USA, that would be equivalent to 423,270 American deaths

What would you do?


Let’s assume you’re the Trudeau government and you’ve poisoned your population.

You recommended 7 experimental COVID-19 Vaccines that are now causing heart attacks, blood clots, collapses, cancers & sudden deaths.

These are the COVID-19 Vaccines the Canadian Government (NACI) recommended:

2 doses in early 2021

1st booster in late 2021

2nd booster in April 2022

3rd (Omicron bivalent booster) in Oct.2022

4th (Omicron bivalent booster) in Mar.2023

5th (XBB.1.5 monovalent booster) in Sep.2023

If you followed the Canadian government recommendations precisely, you would have taken 7 COVID-19 Vaccines as of right now.

It was also possible to skip the 2nd booster and wait for the Omicron bivalent, which means you would have taken 6 COVID-19 Vaccines.

We know that there is a tsunami of sudden deaths in the COVID-19 Vaccinated, but how do you present that data as the Federal Government?

What caused 48,780 deaths in 2022?

19,700 deaths from “COVID-19” in 2022, up from 15,900 in 2020.

And this after 7 COVID-19 Vaccines recommended by NACI.

This is proof that COVID-19 Vaccines did not save a single life.

It’s important to remember that 80% of COVID-19 deaths in 2020 in Canada were found to be in long term care home settings (source), where vulnerable seniors were often left to die without adequate treatment (like antibiotics), or were given euthanasia drug cocktails (midazolam, morphine).

So most COVID-19 deaths in 2020 were not true COVID-19 deaths.

In terms of vaccines protecting from “severe disease”, where is this protection on the graph below? I don’t see any protection in 2021. Hospitalizations were similar in 2021 compared to 2020.

Now look at what happened after COVID-19 mRNA 1st booster shots were rolled out in Nov-Dec.2021. This was followed by massive Omicron spikes in 2022 in Jan (BA.1), March (BA.2), July (BA.5), October (BA.5+).

Again, where is this “protection from severe illness” promised by the vaccines?

There is once again no evidence of vaccines protecting people in 2022.

Anonymous ID: 4ac1b4 Dec. 28, 2023, 12:40 p.m. No.20143806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3889 >>4100 >>4112 >>4219 >>4352 >>4468

The 10/7 Project


The 10/7 Project is led by the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.


Our Mission

The 10/7 Project is a communications hub advocating for accurate, unbiased coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict

Anonymous ID: 4ac1b4 Dec. 28, 2023, 12:43 p.m. No.20143819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3889 >>4100 >>4219 >>4468

US-NATO Black Ops: Destabilization in Serbia and the Former Soviet Union


The unfortunate dismantling of the Soviet Union over 30 years ago has left a power vacuum in the enormous territory it covered, either directly or through its ideological “brethren”. One of those was Yugoslavia, a relatively prosperous state that had a hybrid market socialist economy. It can be argued that Yugoslavia served as the testing ground for the US-led political West’s crawling aggression against Russia.


Eliminating the USSR simply wasn’t enough for Washington DC and Brussels, as the then newly established Russian Federation was still way too big and powerful for their liking. At the time, Moscow was kept down by the disastrous Yeltsin-era policies that essentially destroyed not only its status as a superpower, but also much of its internal sovereignty and economic power.


In the meantime, NATO focused on the destruction of whatever was left of Yugoslavia. The country’s largest ethnic group, the Serbs, was particularly targeted, with the political West aiming to reduce Serbian ethnic space as much as possible, starting with “Operation Storm” in 1995, when upwards of 400,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed from the former Republic of Serbian Krajina and western parts of Republika Srpska. The latter was forcibly incorporated into Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995.


And that certainly wasn’t the end of it, as just four years later, the world’s most aggressive military alliance directly attacked Serbia itself to take away its resource-rich province of Kosovo and Metohia, resulting in another ethnic cleansing of over 250,000 indigenous Serbs.


However, the US-led NATO wasn’t done with Serbia. On the contrary, already the following year (October 5, 2000), it launched a color revolution, in many ways the first one in the post-Cold War era. Belgrade never really recovered from this, as the newly established Western-backed government effectively destroyed the country’s sovereignty by handing it over to Washington DC and Brussels.


By the mid to late 2000s, Serbia was almost completely dismantled, with Montenegro detaching in 2006 after a shady EU-backed referendum. Even before the vote, NATO threatened Serbia in case it intervened to prevent the secession, which pretty much tells you all you need to know about its legitimacy. Just two years later, the political West officially launched the “Kosovo project” by recognizing its so-called “independence”.


In 2012, Serbia’s pro-Western government lost its standing and was replaced by what many thought was a much more independent and sovereigntist option led by the current President Aleksandar Vucic.


However, the pressure on Serbia never subsided and the new government continued much of the same policies. And yet, this wasn’t enough, so the political West continued supporting various pro-EU/NATO political parties and NGOs, seeking to put even more compliant people in power. The recent parliamentary election is a perfect example of that, where pro-Western opposition parties and organizations launched somewhat Maidan-like violent protests, attacking police and several key institutions, including the Belgrade Assembly, as the capital’s city hall is officially called.

Anonymous ID: 4ac1b4 Dec. 28, 2023, 12:49 p.m. No.20143846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

My List of Famous Pedophiles Would Shock The World - Sonia Poulton | heretics. 13

Anonymous ID: 4ac1b4 Dec. 28, 2023, 1:45 p.m. No.20144121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4219 >>4468

Appeals Court Denies Trump’s Motion to Delay E. Jean Carroll Defamation Trial


A federal appeals court on Thursday denied President Trump’s motion seeking to delay the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial set for January 15, 2024, in Manhattan.


Trump’s attorney asked the appeals court to give the former president 90 days to stay the trial and give him the option to take the fight to the US Supreme Court.


“The requested stays are necessary and appropriate to give President Trump an opportunity to fully litigate his entitlement to present an immunity defense in the underlying proceedings, including pursuing the appeal in the Supreme Court if necessary,” Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba wrote, according to ABC News.


A federal appeals court in September denied Trump’s request to stay a defamation suit filed by E Jean Carroll.


The Second Circuit Court of Appeals earlier this month ruled Trump cannot assert absolute presidential immunity.


Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, previously ruled that Trump is liable for defamatory statements he made about E. Jean Carroll after she accused him of rape.


In May Manhattan jury reached a verdict in the E. Jean Carroll rape/defamation case.


In 2019, E. Jean Carroll alleged Donald Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s.


Trump has denied the allegations and called E. Jean Carroll a “whack job” who’s “not my type.”


The jury found Trump sexually abused and defamed Carroll and ordered him to pay $5 million in damages (Trump is also appealing this case).


Trump blasted E. Jean. Carroll during a CNN town hall in May.


“What kind of a woman meets somebody and brings them up and within minutes you’re playing hanky-panky in a dressing room?” Trump said, adding the accusation was a ‘fake’ and ‘made-up story.’


She went after Trump again and Judge Lewis Kaplan agreed with E. Jean Carroll’s lawyers and said Trump is liable for his statements.

Anonymous ID: 4ac1b4 Dec. 28, 2023, 2:18 p.m. No.20144278   🗄️.is 🔗kun

SEMITE: 1. A member of any of the peoples supposedly de­scended from Shem, the eldest son of Noah. (So the “Jews” of today ARE NOT SEMITES, nor are the Judeans or Hebrews.) 2. a Jew (but note this is only a MODERN classification in the Encyclopedia). 3. a member of ANY OF THE VARIOUS ANCIENT AND MODERN peoples originating in SW Asia, including the Sumerians, Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, and ARABS.


SEMITIC: 1. An important SUBfamily of AFRO-ASIATIC lan­guages, including Akkadian, Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew.


SEMITICS: The study of the Semitic languages, literature, etc. [H: So, perhaps this is where they get bent out of shape for, in studying the languages, history and literature, we find that the “Jew” does not fit into these categories—as Semites.]


SEMITISM: A term coined to refer to the “modern” Jew. It is a word or idiom peculiar to, derived from, or characteristic of a Semitic language. [H: But YIDDISH is a separate language MADE to fit the Talmudic people and laws.]


So, the controlled meaning set forth by the so-called Jews: A disparaging or antagonistic attitude or hostile act toward a Jew­ish person, Jewish organization or the religion of Judaism. [H: This, further, only refers to the “Yiddish” “Jew” and not the Middle East Judeans or Semites. Remember that Semites come from the Tribe of Shem—and these people in point DO NOT.]


Covert Intent: Used to disarm, intimidate and confuse Christians (GENTILES OF ALL RACES, CREEDS, COLOR) into submission to Jews at the expense and even­tual destruction of Christianity.




JEW: The word “Jew” did not appear in actual use until over 1000 years after the resurrection of “Jesus”. It means someone who adheres to the religion of Judaism (modern PHARI­SAISM). The modern “Jew” of “Jewish Culture” has NO RACIAL SIGNIFICANCE. “Jews” are some of the most racially MIXED people on Earth due to their multi-national his­tory, their practice of interracial marriage, as well as their con­temporary international bias. Over 90% of “Jews” today are descended from the ancient Khazars–a racially NON-SEMITIC people from East Europe.




We need one more definition:


GENTILE: The modern CONTROLLED MEANING is anyone who is not a Jew of the above classification.



TRUE MEANING:From the LATIN word “gentilis”, meaning “of the same gens, clan or race”. In the Bible the more modern world Gentile is a mistranslation of the actual Old Testament Hebrew word “goy”, and the Greek New Testament word “ethnos”–both meaning “NATION OR PEOPLE” (ANY nation or people).