Anonymous ID: 5ddd73 Dec. 28, 2023, 2:27 p.m. No.20144328   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>no one knows who the fuck is baking

There was the part where /hive/mind and associates were bitching about "comms bakers" and "bakers union" and screaming "only anons should bake" over and over and over.

So now there's a baker, no idea who and that's supposed to be bad?


So much panic. Shit coming in from all sides. Yesterday everything but Gorewhore was used and when it failed, yet again, the bot was sent in so the morans could have a meeting to see what to do. Their solution was to go back to the same things because some "expert" told them it would work if they just kept doing it.

How many monitors have had to be cleaned as anons burst out laughing and spray various beverages on screens upon seeing the same retardation?


These people really are stupid