Anonymous ID: 58ffb4 Dec. 28, 2023, 11:25 p.m. No.20146766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If Moses does not exist because the story of the Exodus is a parable, then the Jews don't know because they keep saying Moses is who they get it from. They didn't write the Torah then because the Jews, just like the Christians, are taking the writings as being literal. Remember Netanyahu at the Pyramids of Giza saying the Jews built the Pyramids? Zahi Hawass has proved the Pyramids were built by Egyptians that were buried with Egyptian rites and were not built by slaves or foreigners of any kind.


“No Jews built the pyramids because Jews didn't exist at the period when the pyramids were built,” said Amihai Mazar, professor at the Institute of Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “If the Hebrews built anything, then it was the city of Ramses as mentioned in Exodus,” said Mazar.


Who wrote the Torah then?

Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian/Assyrian/Canaanite/Phoenician/PersianZoroastrians all have accounts of their traditions appear in the Torah in the form of a movie remake. There is also Sargon of Akkad and Epic of Gilgamesh that repeat what happened later on in the story of Moses where they are all put in a basket by their mothers and floated down a river to epic stories.


"Sargon of Akkad, was placed in a reed basket by his mother, and floated down the river to be found by a different queen, and raised as her own to become one of the most powerful leaders of Akkadia."


"So she made Gilgamesh a reed basket sealed with bitumen, and placed him in the river, from which he was rescued by a farmer drawing water."


Bitumen, like what they used to make the Arks that have to do with the Great Flood. Bituman is like tar and the Phoenicians used lots of it too for repairing their ships and patching up leaks while at sea. Remember the Canaanites/Phoenicians/Carthage were a nautical superpower like no other in ancient times. We get sea creatures like the Leviathan from them and the first types of maps/charts.


The repeating gives it away and you can find many things that keep repeating in the bible. Like today, the more they repeat something (repetitive messaging, propaganda) the more likely that it is not true. That's why they keep repeating it. So you can think it's true.