repost from end of last bread… testing testing
alright… proof you joggerhomos need slapped in yo face this place is fake and ghey…. taking my own existence in danger apparently… for 3 DAYS, been talking about potato is coming to vacay on the island of St Croix while the world burns…. anons ,don't care, moved here for the same reason… anyway 3 days of posting notable shit about how this island is getting turned upside down for this pedo enthusiast to vacation here, ruining everyone elses vacay, locals lives, etc etc…. nothin…refer to fuckin sauce at top…
yesterday when they landed, Blackhawk heli (don't worry they prolly gonna rename, that's racist) comes flying up the valley I live on, eye level… (live on the summit).. I'm like shit they found me…. moving so slow, it was amazing… could have tossed a coconut to the dude that was in the open door who would have shot me tween the eyes if I shouted 'lets go brandon!… anyway, found out that was the air chaperone for the hundred plus motocade that drove right by my house…. anyway, true story…. noggers got to drive 15 miles detour if ya live past where potato is vacay…. cant wait to meet Natalie, see sauce… Hunter prolly came on a or for a sub, cause the Parmesan cheese is super pure here.. I hear… kek… peace to the one real anon left , I'm prolly going gtmo for posting this even though is in UK news… one love