Anonymous ID: 49621f Dec. 29, 2023, 11:23 a.m. No.20148957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8969 >>8970 >>8980 >>9001 >>9021 >>9091 >>9181 >>9199 >>9394 >>9522 >>9592 >>9638 >>9661 >>9689 >>9691 >>9695

Green cult destroying farmland to reduce population – that’s what going “carbon zero” actually means


The climate cult has set its sights on arable farmland and the food supply at large, which they claim is overheating the planet because there are simply too many people eating.


We know they hate earth-based "fossil" fuels like oil and natural gas, which is why they want to remove these fuels from the global economy. In their place, the "greenies" want so-called "renewable" energy technologies like wind and solar to fulfill the world's energy needs.


However, in order to generate a comparable amount of energy, there has to be a lot of windmills and solar panels installed pretty much everywhere. Wind and solar require a lot of land, in other words, which means a whole lot less land available for agriculture.


In his past work, Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) warned that one day the world's population would exceed humanity's ability to grow enough food to sustain everyone. What Malthus did not know is that the green energy revolution would make it happen a whole lot sooner than it otherwise would have.


"Wind generators or solar panels consume one-third of the farmland worldwide," writes Martin Armstrong for Armstrong Economic. "This is what has inspired this thinking that we MUST reduce the population. War is a great tool for that, which is one reason they are pushing World War."


"They insist that industrial agriculture, which is employed by the majority of the developed world, is creating climate change. The U.S. food system contributes nearly 20 percent of the nation's carbon dioxide emissions. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that agricultural land use contributes 12 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Then, they add the embodied energy required for industrial agriculture, and they claim this gets worse."

Anonymous ID: 49621f Dec. 29, 2023, 11:28 a.m. No.20148974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9091 >>9181 >>9394 >>9522 >>9592 >>9638 >>9661 >>9689 >>9691 >>9695

Israel’s Security Agency Ignored Warning from Gaza Source About October 7 Attack


A source told Shin Bet that Hamas was planning 'a big move' that would take place shortly after Yom Kippur


Months before the October 7 attack on southern Israel, the Israeli security agency Shin Bet received a warning from one of its sources in Gaza that Hamas was planning to carry out a “big move” shortly after Yom Kippur, which took place on September 25 this year, Israel’s Channel 12 reported.


The report said Shin Bet dismissed the warning as insignificant, and the intelligence did not make it to senior officials in the agency or its chief, Ronen Bar. Shin Bet sources said the lack of corroborating intelligence and the fact that the source only recently started talking to the Israeli agency contributed to the tip not being taken seriously, although they later admitted the source was considered highly reliable.


The tip was just one of many pieces of intelligence that was ignored or not taken seriously by the Israeli security establishment, which led to Israel failing to prevent the October 7 Hamas attack.


The New York Times reported in November that Israel had obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the October 7 attack more than a year before it took place, but Israeli military and intelligence officials did not believe Hamas was capable of carrying it out.


The Times report said the document Israel obtained “did not set a date for the attack, but described a methodical assault designed to overwhelm the fortifications around the Gaza Strip, take over Israeli cities and storm key military bases, including a division headquarters” and added that Hamas followed the blueprint with “shocking precision.”


According to Haaretz, Israeli military officials also ignored warnings from women in the Israeli Defense Forces who worked as “spotters” on the Gaza border. The women spent their days watching surveillance footage and reported unusual Hamas activity for an entire year, but their warnings were not taken seriously.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come under intense domestic pressure due to the intelligence failure and his previous strategy of helping prop up Hamas to prevent the creation of a Palestinian state. Polls show the majority of Israelis want him to resign once the Gaza war is over, giving him incentive to keep the massacre going for as long as he can.

Anonymous ID: 49621f Dec. 29, 2023, 11:34 a.m. No.20148986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8987 >>8993 >>8996 >>9034 >>9091 >>9143 >>9181 >>9394 >>9522 >>9592 >>9638 >>9661 >>9689 >>9691 >>9695

CDC: 143,233% Surge in Fatal Cancers Among Vaxxed Americans


Official data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed an alarming spike in fatal cancers among Americans who have received Covid mRNA injections.


The data shows that cancer, the leading cause of death in the United States, has been soaring over the past two years.


However, the data shows a correlation between the rise in cancer and the public rollout of Covid mRNA shots.


The U.S. federal government’s own official data confirms that the risk of developing cancer following Covid vaccination increases by a staggering 143,233%.


The CDC hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).


The VAERS database contains historical data on adverse reactions reported against every vaccine that has been administered in the United States.


According to VAERS data analyzed by The Exposé, the number of cancer cases spikes dramatically among those vaccinated with the shots.


In the report, the outlet performed a quick search of the CDC VAERS database on the number of cancer cases reported as adverse reactions to the Covid injections since they were first rolled out in the United States.


This reveals that from December 2020 up to 5th August 2022, a total of 2,579 adverse events related to cancer were made in just 1 year and 8 months.

Anonymous ID: 49621f Dec. 29, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.20149004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9091 >>9181 >>9394 >>9522 >>9592 >>9638 >>9661 >>9689 >>9691 >>9695

Israel embassy pulls inappropriate video imagining Hamas attack on Seoul


The Israeli embassy in South Korea has deleted a video it produced showing an imaginary attack on Seoul by masked assailants it seemed to liken to Hamas, after concerns raised by the South Korean government.


The video, which was posted on the Israeli embassy’s social media channels on Tuesday, was deleted on Wednesday, South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported.

Anonymous ID: 49621f Dec. 29, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.20149026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9091 >>9181 >>9394 >>9522 >>9592 >>9638 >>9661 >>9689 >>9691 >>9695

Italian Boss of Obama’s Coronavirus: Ukraine Labs Funded by former CIA Director Leon Panetta


Around $21 millions from Pentagon to Kiev in 2012 for Dangerous Experiments










His father broke his back as a miner in Sheridan in Wyoming (US), he, after this article, will become famous for opening a dozen suspected bacteriological laboratories in Ukraine and Georgia with which the American Obama-Biden administration actually violated the agreement signed with Russia for the non-proliferation of biological weapons in the countries of the former Soviet Union.


Leon Edward Panetta was born on June 28, 1938, in the United States of America, in Monterrey (California), thus crowning the dream of his father Carmelo “Frank” and his mother Carmelina Maria Prochilo, who emigrated from Italy to make their fortune beyond Ocean. After opening a small restaurant they sold it to buy a ranch with a peanut plantation and to have their only beloved son study.


From Siderno, a stronghold of the ‘Ndrangheta in Calabria, they did not bring with them any suspicions of the mafia, but only the dialect with which Leon spoke to his cousin Domenico Panetta, twice Mayor of Siderno, when he went to visit him at the White House. The latter did not hesitate to make a great media fuss when his relative first became Bill Clinton’s Chief Cabinet (1994-1997) and then director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2009-2011), the American counter-espionage, thanks to the will of Barack Obama.

Anonymous ID: 49621f Dec. 29, 2023, 11:51 a.m. No.20149053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9057 >>9071 >>9091 >>9181 >>9394 >>9522 >>9592 >>9638 >>9661 >>9689 >>9691 >>9695

NYT, Citing 'Grainy Video,' Pushes Israeli Govt's Claim of 'Hamas Mass Rapes' on October 7


Israel has had over two and half months to produce evidence that Hamas fighters (who filmed their invasion with GoPros) committed "mass rapes" on October 7 yet all they have to show for it is one "grainy video" of a possibly half-disrobed woman who was burnt to a crisp after most likely being killed by an Israeli Apache helicopter.


The Israeli government previously did not claim the woman was raped on their website "" but only that she was killed on the side of the street by "terrorists."


From The New York Times:

'Screams Without Words': How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7


A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.


By Jeffrey Gettleman, Anat Schwartz and Adam Sella | Dec. 28, 2023


At first, she was known simply as "the woman in the black dress."


In a grainy video, you can see her, lying on her back, dress torn, legs spread, vagina exposed. Her face is burned beyond recognition and her right hand covers her eyes.


The video was shot in the early hours of Oct. 8 by a woman searching for a missing friend at the site of the rave in southern Israel where, the day before, Hamas terrorists massacred hundreds of young Israelis.


The video went viral, with thousands of people responding, desperate to know if the woman in the black dress was their missing friend, sister or daughter.


One family knew exactly who she was — Gal Abdush, mother of two from a working-class town in central Israel, who disappeared from the rave that night with her husband.


As the terrorists closed in on her, trapped on a highway in a line of cars of people trying to flee the party, she sent one final WhatsApp message to her family: "You don't understand."


Based largely on the video evidence — which was verified by The New York Times — Israeli police officials said they believed that Ms. Abdush was raped, and she has become a symbol of the horrors visited upon Israeli women and girls during the Oct. 7 attacks.

The bulk of the article is pure hearsay from anonymous Israelis who refused to go on the record, in addition to unverified claims from discredited groups like ZAKA (which was founded by a serial rapist dubbed the "Haredi Jeffrey Epstein").

Anonymous ID: 49621f Dec. 29, 2023, 11:54 a.m. No.20149061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9087 >>9129 >>9138 >>9151 >>9172 >>9195 >>9266 >>9319 >>9330

Vladimir Putin’s Letter To The World!


“Dear inhabitants of our beautiful planet Earth,


I, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, decided to address all of you directly, bypassing diplomats, your leaders and journalists. In Russia, there is a so-called “Ural exchange”, where it is forbidden to lie, deceive and exaggerate. Therefore, I will speak very honestly so that everyone will be convinced of the truth of my words.

Russia is a big and rich country, its most important value is more than 150 million people who live in a territory where justice is above all. We don’t need new territories.


We have energy and all other resources are abundant.


Since the time of the Great Tartar and the Great Mughals, the peoples of Northern Eurasia have not developed because of the onslaught of the Crusades and the colonization of America, Africa, India, or the drug addiction of China, but because of their hard work and pacifism.

Anyone who knows Russian understands that “Russian” is an adjective that refers to all the peoples of our country. Russian Slavs, Russian Tatars, Russian Jews, Russian Evans, etc. All Russian at heart, even if their culture, language and way of life differ. We honor this diversity of unity.


The Russian people are once again forced to sacrifice their lives to protect the world from Nazism and fascism. We exchanged 50 of our prisoners of war for 50 Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrainian soldiers were treated in our hospitals, given three full meals a day and returned home.


We received Russian soldiers who had their fingers and genitals cut off. Not even the Nazis did that in the last war.


We will present this evidence in a future process. Shame on everyone who supports these scumbags now.


Your leaders in the US, Europe, Japan, Australia and elsewhere have sided with these subhumans who put civilians, pregnant women and children above themselves in combat and deliberately want POWs. I can’t imagine any sane person supporting these monsters.


And your Bidens, Scholz, Macron and other dark democrats * not only protect criminals, but actively arm them, provide them with money that is not enough to lower prices in your countries. Prices are rising, the world is collapsing, but not because the Russians are cleansing Europe of Nazi evil spirits, but because you are silent and even support the new wave of Nazism. This time we will not go to Berlin, we will stop at our historical borders, and all the Nazi evil spirits that your leaders open the door to will give you a new “crystal” life, as the Nazis did, adding circumcision of the reproductive organs to it.

Anonymous ID: 49621f Dec. 29, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.20149225   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iraqi PM Says Baghdad Is ‘Heading Towards’ Ending the US Military Presence in the Country


Mohammed al-Sudani and his government are unhappy with the US for launching airstrikes in Iraq


Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said his government is “heading towards” ending the presence of international forces in Iraq, which includes about 2,500 US troops, the largest foreign contingent.


Al-Sudani’s comments came after his government strongly condemned several rounds of US airstrikes in Iraq as a violation of sovereignty and a hostile act. In the latest strikes, the US said it targeted the Shia militia Kataib Hezbollah in retaliation for an attack on a US base, but al-Sudani’s government said civilians were also wounded in the US bombing.


“We are in the process of rearranging the relationship with the international coalition, as in light of the presence of capable Iraqi forces, the Iraqi government is moving towards ending the presence of the international coalition forces,” al-Sudani said at a press conference with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.


Spain has 300 troops stationed in Iraq as part of the US-led anti-ISIS coalition. “My country, always at the request of the Iraqi authorities, will support the unity, sovereignty and stability of Iraq,” Sanchez said at the press conference.


Al-Sudani first came into office at the end of 2022 and made his first public comments on US troops in Iraq in 2023, when he expressed support for the presence of foreign forces. But he’s been under increasing pressure to get them out, especially now as Iraq has become a battleground between Shia militias and the US due to President BIden’s full-throated support for Israel’s Gaza onslaught.


The US has been resisting Iraqi efforts to expel its forces from the country since 2020 when a US drone strike in Baghdad killed Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. In the wake of the killings, Iraq’s parliament voted to expel foreign forces, but the US refused to leave. The US formally changed its presence in Iraq from a combat role to an advisory one in December 2021, but it did not withdraw any troops at the time.


If al-Sudani tries to expel foreign forces from his country, Washington could make things difficult for him. The US has leverage over Iraq because, since the 2003 invasion, the country’s foreign reserves have been held by the US Federal Reserve, giving Washington control over Baghdad’s dollar supply and the ability to devalue the Iraqi dinar. The US also keeps tight control over Iraq’s ability to pay its neighbor Iran for much-needed electricity.

Anonymous ID: 49621f Dec. 29, 2023, 12:59 p.m. No.20149407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9480 >>9522 >>9592 >>9638 >>9661 >>9689 >>9691 >>9695

Israel sued for ‘genocide’ in The Hague


South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice to intervene in Gaza conflict


South Africa has filed an appeal before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, alleging that Israeli actions in Gaza amount to “genocide” and asking for “provisional measures” to stop it, the top UN court announced on Friday.


The application claims “acts and omissions by Israel… are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent … to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group,” the ICJ said in a statement.


Israel’s conduct towards the Palestinians in Gaza “is in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention,” the government in Pretoria said. They also accused Israel of having “failed to prevent genocide” and “failed to prosecute the direct and public incitement to genocide” since October 7.


Israel has engaged in, is engaging in and risks further engaging in genocidal acts against the Palestinian people in Gaza.


South Africa also asked the ICJ to “indicate provisional measures” in order to “protect against further, severe and irreparable harm” to Palestinians under the Genocide Convention. The ICJ also published the 84-page document that lists these measures in detail, first of which is for Israel to “immediately suspend its military operations in and against Gaza.”


Pretoria also demands of West Jerusalem to stop any and all attacks on Palestinians, and to revoke any orders whose goal is “the expulsion and forced displacement from their homes” or deprivation of access to food, water, fuel, shelter, medical supplies and other humanitarian needs.


Anyone who engages in “direct and public incitement” to genocide or conspiracy to commit it must be brought to justice, the appeal insists. South Africa demanded Israel submit a report on complying with all these demands within one week.


Under the ICJ’s rules, South Africa’s application has priority over all other cases, because of the request for provisional measures.


South Africa has previously sought to charge Israel with war crimes before the International Criminal Court (ICC). West Jerusalem is not a signatory party to the ICC, but the court – also based in The Hague – has previously declared it had jurisdiction over Gaza and the West Bank.


On the other hand, both South Africa and Israel are signatories of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which was first adopted in 1948, in response to the Nazi mass murder of Jews during WWII.