Trust ze Science – Part V
Birds of a Feather
"In Part 4 we concluded that there were clear connections with the Smithsonian Institute, WWF founders - Princes Bernhard and Philip, Royal Duch Shell, Hakluyt, Trilateral Commission, the US National Taxpayer Union, and the Bank of England. We also revealed connections to the Rockefeller family, British intelligence (MI6), the US State Department, Henry Kissinger, the Shah of Iran, Charles de Gaulle of France, and Queen Wilhelmina from the House of Orange. It seemed that quite a network had emerged around the Smithsonian and the WWF.
A humble scientist named Thomas Lovejoy not only had the support of this global juggernaut; he sat on their Boards and directed their environmental programs, slowly installing the climate crisis narrative we face today. Government leaders in the US and UK were all singing from this globalist hymn book; the Scientific Industrial Complex was emerging very nicely."