I figured it out. Shills eat up bread in hopes you ID+ them and it's the + they want.
They hope you ID+ and block dumb fuck anons that reply to the shills and namefags.
I figured it out. Shills eat up bread in hopes you ID+ them and it's the + they want.
They hope you ID+ and block dumb fuck anons that reply to the shills and namefags.
Easiest people to psyop have to be white women,
They are poising our food and using FDA mandates to do so.
I remember when Q was posting, I would try to be the first anon to say Hi Q
Dimensions / frequencies / vibrations.
As you and the earths frequency rises, you change dimensions.
3D = 7-15 hertz shit low vib frequency
4D = 15-40 hertz, veil lifting etc
5 D = 40-100 hertz, you remember everything before this life, you are surounded in love.
2 hertz, you are sucking a reptilian cock
The end of the movie
I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these conditions; I will say, new beginnings.
Yes, you are coming to the end. You are coming to the end of the movie, the end of the show, the end of the old third-dimensional illusion. But wherever there is an ending, there is also a beginning.
And it is time now to focus, not on the ending so much, but the new beginning. The new beginning that is beginning to sprout everywhere. Consciousness raising everywhere. Vibrational frequency increasing everywhere, which then raises consciousness. And as more and more people are raising their consciousness, more and more they will, they will, all of you as a collective unity, will lower the veil, disintegrate the veil between dimensions. And that is what is happening more and more now as you are moving further and further ahead in your ascension process.
Yes, as you focus on the negative, as you focus on those things that are happening across the world, and they are happening. Many things are continuing to happen still yet behind the scenes. But again, for those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you are aware of those things behind the scenes. And the general public, even they will begin to become aware of these things as well more and more. Not all, of course, but many, many more shall awaken, and are in the process of awakening now.
And the republic, the republic that I had a dream of long ago back in our 1776. At that time there was a dream. We all had a dream to have this republic of The United States For America. But it wasnโt just a dream for The United States, it was a dream that was started at that time.
But then we all knew it would culminate in a worldwide phenomenon, a worldwide republic. And that, of course, is in the process of happening now, even as many things, many seemingly negative things are happening across the planet, it is all part of the greater universal plan. The plan for the country. The plan for the world. And those forces that are work, those forces of light that are at work are doing everything they can to bring this about.
And all of you are part of those forces of light, and you need to know that. In whatever situation you find yourself now, you are contributing to the greater good. You are contributing to the unity consciousness spreading across the planet. And you all need to come to understand that, that you are a part of the Republic, the New Republic. You are the New Republic.
Just as Benjamin Franklin was asked back then what kind of a government are you giving to the people? And his reply was. โA republic, if they can keep it.โ
No, you did not keep it, you being the collective you, did not keep it. But you are moving toward it once again. And there are those forces that are fully aware of the republic that was meant to be, and are moving now in the direction of bringing that back to the people, for the people, and by the people. That is what this was all about. And you all need to know that you are moving in that direction, and quite swiftly, indeed, moving in that direction. For the end of the movie, as you know it, is coming to an end. And as I began this message, it is all about the new beginnings.
I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to forge ahead. Forge ahead in whatever way that you can to bring awareness more and more to more and more people who are ready to open up and awaken to that learning.
They want Trump to show them, they wanted Trump to win and take the country down so that he would get blamed for it and not Biden.
If Trump had won, how could you show the people?
It had to play out this way.
Q, can I get some guidance on this information found on cloning? Is this why they want the DNA?
"We Will Discuss The Manner Of Cloning And The Aspects Of Viewing That Can Become Obvious If One Cares To Know Truth! Knowing There Are Over A Billion clones Operating In Your Awareness With A Growing Number, May Spark Your Interest In Learning The Truth Of Those Around You!
For Every Clone, There Is A Controller. In Many Instances, There Is A Team. There Is Always A Purpose Or Agenda In Place For The Creation Of Each Clone. With Unlimited Financial Resources Available, Many Celebrities Have Joined With Handlers To Receive Greater Status As The Creators Of The Clone Also Become More Wealthy. Many Singers And Dancers As Well As Actors, Hosts And Politicians Have More Than One Clone Available To Maneuver Their Way To Power And Notoriety.
We Have Shared In Prior Communication Regarding DNA That This Material Carries The Genetic Code Of All Necessary Factors Needed To Create Each Clone. In Rapid Transformation, Information Is Carried And Grown In Material That Would Be No Different Than A Petri Dish In A Laboratory. Indeed, The Actions Of These Creators Are Reckless As They Experiment With The Product As Well As Toying With All Lives That Must Endure This Charade.
Characteristics With Hair And Eye Color, Age And Form Are Programmed And Adjusted. Many Politicians Have Been Noted To Have Many Looks With Different Hair Lines, Nose And Ear Size And Even Varying Heights. Some Photos Do Not Resemble Others In Any Manner. The Creators Are Hoping That You Do Not Notice. In Many Instances, There Is A Changing Of The Product's Face That Would Be Close To What You Understand As Plastic Surgery. There Are Incisions And Areas Where Changes Are Made. The Breakdown Of Materials Does Not Heal As There Is No Immune System And Surgeries Allow Material To Be Altered And Removed Without Replacing The Entire Clone. These Are Not Masks As Some Suppose In Guessing. The Science Is There If Those Seeking Truth Would Open To Understand!
The Biden Product Is Glitching With Face Movement And Program Breakdown. This Clone Will Be Phased Out Completely While Allowing Those Observing To Believe This Is All About Age. There Is No Purpose To Continue To Repair And Replace Areas When New Leadership Is Desired. Beware Of clones That Creators Have Already In Place. clones Have No Souls And For This Reason, There Is Only Darkness.
Many clones Have Ongoing Procedures And Often There Are Areas Of Entrance To Repair The Clone By Way Of The Eyes, The Ankle Region And The Feet. These Are Areas Where Surgery And Openings Can Be Disguised And Hidden With Sunglasses And Boots. This Is A Common Method Used By Handlers And They Scramble To Hide clones During The Period Of Many Adjustments,
There Are Facilities Around The World Where clones Are Produced And Kept. China Has The Largest Production And They Have Purchased Land Throughout The United States To Direct Operations In New Facilities That Will Be Rapidly Constructed As The Shift Is Near. Their Intention Is Dictatorship By Clone Control. Russia And Other Areas Of The Earth Are Teeming With clones That Are Programmed With Orders To Control Others. Beware Of The Ongoing Proxy Wars Where Only Humans Die.
You Are An Infinite Soul Of Light!
Fear Nothing In This Reality For Nothing Will Remain. You Are Transitioning To A New Way Of Being! One That Is Familiar To You In Origin! The New Earth Is A Place Of Beauty Where You Will Thrive In 5-D (Vibrational Frequency And Location). A Home Of Peace Without War, No Lies, No Deception And No Disease. You Will Enjoy The Perception Of Your Soul. You Will Understand Your Light!"
All the Black eyes and the medical boots????
>Many clones Have Ongoing Procedures And Often There Are Areas Of Entrance To Repair The Clone By Way Of The Eyes, The Ankle Region And The Feet. These Are Areas Where Surgery And Openings Can Be Disguised And Hidden With Sunglasses And Boots. This Is A Common Method Used By Handlers And They Scramble To Hide clones During The Period Of Many Adjustments,
Woah, scary shit.
Star Wars Clone wars for real.
>Their Intention Is Dictatorship By Clone Control. Russia And Other Areas Of The Earth Are Teeming With clones That Are Programmed With Orders To Control Others. Beware Of The Ongoing Proxy Wars Where Only Humans Die.
They experimented and have now mastered and use Progeria disease to speed up aging on their clones. They cure the disease once the clone rapidly reaches the desired age.
You are cleverโฆ I'll give you that.
Progeria disease
Progeria disease
Progeria disease