That's gotta take a lot of teenager blood to maintain.
Do you think he got a monthly check from the Israeli government? Really?
If he was Mossad, why would US agencies, British Agencies allow him to operate on their governments?
You appear to be offering advice about thinking without exercising it yourself.
We get to the nub of your problem.
It has to be MuhJoooooos!
Even when it makes no sense at all. Mossad, MuhJooooooos! Mossad! MUHJOOOOOS!
OK fuck off. Was fun irritating you.
No you bigot ass-hat. That's just (You).
I measure my opinion based on evidence.
You only look for answers that support your dimwit preconceptions. Anything else has to be ADL/JIDF/Unit800/Mossad/Hooknosed Mongrel propaganda.
(You) are a sad, ignorant fucking joke.
Nice. Most are made in Chynah!
You really are a stupid fuck.
Can't think your way out of a paper bag.
Did he work for Mossad, yes.
Did he work for CIA, yes.
Did he work for MI6, yes.
Did any of them write him a paycheck. No.
Does he have an Israeli government pension. No.
Did he have a badge that said Mossad. No.
So what (You) are doing right now is speculating, where instead, I am proposing he operated independently and supported his favorites/highest payers.
If he was only Mossad, then why would he have Israeli politicians on his Lolita express?
Try and think one step outside of the "MUHJOOS!!!" box, just this once.