Anonymous ID: f42e6c Dec. 30, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.20154060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4091


You'd think instead of participating in these calls they are well aware of, they would have contact numbers to reach the said household.


They fucking own the cell phone towers and the data coming off of them. It is intimidation by satanists.


No reason for mtg to get swatted so often, the cops know her. Start naming these cops, start naming the sergeant on duty, release the phone calls. It is intimidation hiding behind 'swatting'


Are they even real cops/deputies or did they rent the uniforms? Are they Lucifer worshippers inside the police department or deputy department?


Satan worshippers are all in a tizzy at the moment


Americans were groomed to trust uniforms the most. Shows like Andy Griffith, turns out , a very specific breed of them are into Dirt

Anonymous ID: f42e6c Dec. 30, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.20154114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4118


The legal system is beyond corrupt. They were right one bad apple spoils the bunch. No wonder they needed dog whistles


Corrupt county sheriff

Corrupt county judge

Corrupt city attorney

Corrupt city judge

Corrupt county doctor

Corrupt county employees

Corrupt county vote counters

All with a higher loyalty to those that harm children, destroy families, destroy nations, and only ask for your soul (and the names of your family)


Tyranny in America 2.0