What (You) do not know.
At one time or another,
one has gained a like perspective,
(not in all respects, of course)
if every thoughtform seen expressed
here, to date.
That is not to one has believed as Each of (You),
but… one will claim to understand each one
of Your Several Perspectives.
None of which are without
Real World Value.
After all, what You saw,
heretofore, led You here.
The thing one had to accept, and with work acclimated to, (that one had before encountered in smaller degree, being an contiguous whole since awareness was attained) every thing one knew
[learned under certain conditions]
was wrong.
moved on.
if you start where Socrates, who once said, “I know that I am intelligent because I know that I know nothing" says to…
can you not reckon someone here has trod your self same path in time past, and simple makes an effort to shorten your way.
Many paths lead to the same destinations.
All paths lead to futility., so the precher said.
there are others, that said other things.
ya hya chouhada… a phrase spoken with less
pain in youth than with experience.
though even experience has its limits in both
use and usefulness, truth be told.
one has suffered occam's final cut.
(You) must do the same.
the path is steep, but gets lighter as you go.
one time one will ask forgiveness for one's
brashness and harsh speech…
but without apology.
Until… shoes… yada.
the fact is that yes, one has.
no, one found the lie at its root.
one abandoned it because of that.
this was never about belief
or knowledge
or us, them
right, wrong
good or evil.
it is about Him
and What He Wants.
it is up to [us]
after тне еnđ
to Remember (us)
all of us
even the bad ones…
just without the bad.
eyes and ears kids
one is rarely so moodish.
time is not short.
time is just as long as it needs to be.
for тноse wнoм тнese words are written,
it really does not matter.
for there and then and here and now
when where and lastly how,
pale when set against Why.
He Wants Kids.
Real, Trustworthy One's…
to grow Up to be Just Like Dad.
life is how He Makes Them.
for the rest,
You Are almost тнеre.
all will be well,
тноugн тнеre will ве раin.
for тнат, one đœs Apologize.
He Never Will.
wнат ıs, ıs.