Anonymous ID: f2ae5c Dec. 31, 2023, 1:05 a.m. No.20157608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7615 >>7617



Yeah, Canada bread that just ended (#50)


>>20045658 Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms

>>20085208 Maxime Bernier slams Trudeau gov’t for mandating tampons in male washrooms

>>20133230 Trudeau’s Canada: Tampons Now Available in Men’s Bathrooms at Parliament

>>20138964 Trudeau garners international ridicule for mandating tampons for men

Anonymous ID: f2ae5c Dec. 31, 2023, 1:20 a.m. No.20157657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7841 >>8196 >>8400 >>8495 >>8520

Canada #50 >>20153448


DEI Looks to Be on Its Deathbed After Woke Giants Announce Slashes to Diversity Budgets


Pro-Black Lives Matter corporate giants Google and Meta joined a growing list of virtue-signaling companies that slashed their “diversity” budgets in 2023 amid a rough year for the tech industry.


“Some companies have laid off DEI [diversity, equity and inclusion] staffers and leaders of diverse employee resource groups, downsized learning and development programs and cut budgets for external DEI groups by as much as 90 percent in 2023,” CNBC reported Friday.


The DEI cuts are a laughable reversal of the virtue-signaling bluster some companies trumpeted in the wake of the BLM riots following the May 2020 death of George Floyd.


Many “woke” corporations bent the knee to race-hustling grifters by donating money to Black Lives Matter and investing millions to expand so-called “diversity” programs to hire more black workers.


“By mid-2023, DEI-related job postings had declined 44% from the same time a year prior, according to data provided by job site Indeed,” CNBC reported. “That’s a sharp contrast with the period from 2020 to 2021, when those postings expanded nearly 30%.”


This only makes total sense: When your company is not doing well because of a tough economic climate rocked by crippling inflation, hiring scores of people solely on the basis of their skin color — as opposed to actual qualifications — is a dumb move.


Devika Brij, the CEO of an eponymous consulting group, said some of her clients reduced their DEI budgets by as much as 90 percent this year.


“When George Floyd began to become the topic of conversations, companies and executives doubled down on their commitments,” she told CNBC. “And here we are only a couple years later, and folks are looking for opportunities to cut those teams.”


It’s not just corporations that are scaling back on affirmative action-style programs.


In September, Boston University’s farcically named “Center for Antiracist Research” laid off almost half its staff just three years after launching.


The implosion occurred shortly after left-wing billionaire Twitter founder Jack Dorsey donated $10 million to the race-grifting project.


Thanks @jack and #startsmall for supporting the @AntiracismCtr at @bu_tweets. Your $10M donation, with no strings attached, gives us the resources and flexibility to greatly expand our antiracist work. The endowment is vital, as we build our new Center. 1/


— Ibram X. Kendi (@ibramxk) August 20, 2020


Hopefully, the recent DEI cutbacks indicate a sea change is afoot and “woke” corporations are realizing that infusing “equity” into major business decisions will have catastrophic consequences. This is what happened in South Africa.


South African author Rian Malan — a white journalist who fought against apartheid — said the United States will crater into the same anarchy and poverty that afflict his homeland if it keeps caving to toxic wokeness.


In his 2021 New York Post commentary “How ‘Equity’ Ideology Plunged South Africa into Inequality and Chaos,” Malan recounted how white guilt destroyed his country.


He said the implosion began when South Africa replaced meritocracy with affirmative action and slavishly catered to its black population to make amends for apartheid.


“Tendering for government business became increasingly pointless, because contracts were invariably awarded to black-owned firms, even if their prices were double, triple or tenfold,” Malan wrote.


For years, South African companies obsessively hired and promoted black workers “whether or not they brought anything to the table besides black skin,” Malan wrote.



Anonymous ID: f2ae5c Dec. 31, 2023, 1:26 a.m. No.20157676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7682

Canada #50 >>20153072


Google Agrees to Settle $5 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Over Tracking Users in ‘Incognito’ Mode


Google has agreed to settle a $5 billion class-action privacy lawsuit that alleges the tech giant has been tracking people using the “incognito” mode in its Chrome browser.


The lawsuit was filed in 2020 and claimed that Google had misled the public into believing their activity would not be tracked while using the private browser.


WTOP reports that the plaintiffs claimed Google continued to “catalog details of users’ site visits and activities despite their use of supposedly ‘private’ browsing.”


This act gave Google an “unaccountable trove of information” from people who believed they were not being monitored.


“Google has made itself an unaccountable trove of information so detailed and expansive that George Orwell could never have dreamed it,” the lawsuit said.


Christian Precious Metals Company Embraces Integrity to Protect Americans’ Retirement


The settlement terms have not been made public and will still need to be approved by a judge.


Yahoo News reports:


Lawyers for the plaintiffs were seeking at least $5,000 for each user it said had been tracked by the firm’s Google Analytics or Ad Manager services even when in the private browsing mode and not logged into their Google account.


This would have amounted to at least $5 billion, though the settlement amount will likely not reach that figure, and no amount was given for the preliminary settlement between the parties.


A final settlement agreement is expected to be provided to the court by February 24.

Anonymous ID: f2ae5c Dec. 31, 2023, 1:32 a.m. No.20157686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7841 >>8196 >>8400 >>8495 >>8520

Canada #50 >>20142614


Multiple Financial Executives Commit Suicide Amid China's Financial Crisis


As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to purge its financial system, state media recently revealed that a number of bank executives have committed suicide or died suddenly.


According to the authorities of Yingshan County, Hubei Province, Wang Shengyong, the president of the Yangtze River Village Bank in the county, died of carbon monoxide poisoning on Dec. 5 at the age of 54 years old. It was reported that Wang committed suicide after using his position to defraud depositors of 40 million yuan (about $5.6 million) under the guise of capital raising.


According to official media reports, Du Haitao, deputy general manager of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Credit Suisse Asset, died of a heart attack while running on Dec. 13 at the age of 49. Born in 1974, Du was deputy general manager of ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co., LTD. and chairman of ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management (International) Co., LTD.


On Dec. 10, Gong Danzhi, the president of Huaxia Bank’s Tianjin branch, fell to his death. The local police station confirmed the news.


Based on business information, Gong Danzhi was appointed as the president of Huaxia Bank’s Tianjin branch in November 2020. Previously, he was the vice president of the bank’s Beijing branch and the president of its Beijing urban sub-centre branch.


Founded in October 1992 and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in September 2003, Huaxia Bank is China’s fifth nationally listed bank, with 44 first-tier branches across the country and more than 40,000 employees. Shougang Group, a large-scale state-owned enterprise, is Huaxia Bank’s first major shareholder, with a shareholding of 21.68 percent.


In The Banker’s Top 1000 World Banks 2019, Huaxia Bank was ranked 56th in terms of Tier 1 capital and 67th in terms of asset size. In the Forbes Global 2000 List (2019), Huaxia Bank was ranked 265th.


However, in 2023, Huaxia Bank was in a series of accidents and fined tens of millions of yuan.


On Dec. 20, the National Administration of Financial Regulation’s Taizhou Supervision Branch issued a fine of 300,000 yuan (about $42,000) for Huaxia Bank’s Taizhou branch.


On Sept. 26, Huaxia Bank’s Xiamen branch was fined 2.8 million yuan (about $391,700).


On Aug. 14, Huaxia Bank’s Nanchang branch was fined 1.985 million yuan (about $277,700).


On July 3, a number of Huaxia Bank’s branches and sub-branches were subject to regulatory penalties of 2 million yuan (about $279,800) for violations of laws and regulations.


On June 30, Huaxia Bank was fined a total of 1.45 million yuan (about $202,900) in five fines for a number of credit violations.


On June 2, Huaxia Bank’s Yingkou branch was fined 700,000 yuan (about $97,900).


On April 19, Huaxia Bank’s Shaoxing branch was fined 950,000 yuan (about $132,900).

Bank Presidents Die Due to Pressure


In 2023, at least 96 financial executives have fallen from grace, and 38 people have been investigated in the five major state-owned banks.


“The suicide of bank presidents show that the central [authority] doesn’t take responsibility anymore. Whoever lends out the money is responsible,” Wang Donglan (a pseudonym), former vice president of a bank in Shandong Province, told The Epoch Times on Dec. 20.


“In the past, enterprises were encouraged to operate in debt.


Some enterprises did not meet the conditions for loans, but through interpersonal connections, they got the loans anyway.


“No one asked about it for so many years. Now for the year-end check, someone must be held accountable, can the bank presidents not be anxious?


Which sum of money was loaned out without the presidents’ sign?


Choosing to commit suicide may be able to save their families or assets.”



Anonymous ID: f2ae5c Dec. 31, 2023, 1:37 a.m. No.20157693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8035

Canada #50 >>20142558


Welsh Government Uses 14-Year-Old Schoolgirls to Attract ‘Refugee’ Men From Africa and Middle East to Wales


The Welsh government used 14-year-old schoolgirls to attract ‘refugee’ men from Africa and the Middle East to Wales.


The Welsh Labour government used taxpayer dollars to use underage girls to attract military-age illegal migrant men from Africa and the Middle East to Wales.


The promo video started with two minor teen girls greeting the refugees and letting them know they would be arriving at a welcoming environment.


“Fleeing your country is difficult, but Wales wants you to feel welcome,” one of the little girls said in an undated video.


The other minor teen chimed in, “The Welsh Refugee Council wants to help you. You can contact them here,” she said as contact info appears on the screen.


“The Welsh Refugee Coalition is a collection of organisations working in Wales with asylum seekers and refugees at all stages of their journey, and with the communities in which they live,” The Welsh Refugee Coalition said.


“We work together to ensure that our limited resources can be used to best effect and to speak with one voice on policies and practices affecting people seeking safety in Wales.” WRC said.


The teen girls promised the refugees all kinds of ‘free’ programs such as help applying for bank accounts, medical benefits, education, English lessons and help finding doctors.


“There are many job opportunities here in Wales,” one of the underage girls said.


Why is the Welsh government using minor teen girls to entice military-age men from countries with no rape laws to join them in Wales?




Vid (4:54)

Anonymous ID: f2ae5c Dec. 31, 2023, 1:44 a.m. No.20157703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada #50 >>20153810


EX-CIA "Zelenksy's time has RUN OUT and he knows it" | Redacted with Clayton Morris


The NYTimes now admits that Ukraine is using "people snatchers" to grab men off the streets and throw them into the front lines against Russia. The Times says these men have no training and Ukraine is using harsh tactics to force these men to fight. Ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson says it's about time that the NYTimes showed up to reality.


Vid (10:57)

Anonymous ID: f2ae5c Dec. 31, 2023, 1:49 a.m. No.20157716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7727 >>7761

Canada #50 >>20153754


US Military Launches Highly Classified Unmanned Space Plane


The US Space Force launched a secretive plane on Thursday which has been equipped with heavier boosters that could feasibly send it further into orbit than ever before.


The launch marks the 9th flight of the three-core SpaceX Falcon Heavy booster, and the 7th flight of the US Air Force's (not so) secret unmanned spaceplane, the X-37B (USSF-52).


The launch was previously scheduled for Dec. 10, however it was scrapped due to issues with ground equipment just 30 minutes before liftoff - pushing the event back 18 days.


Officially, the X-37B will enter into various orbits around Earth and serve as a testing ground for NASA's study of the effects of long-duration exposure to space on organic materials, the Epoch Times reports, adding that the mission will also include experiments having to do with "space domain awareness," which the US Space Force defines as the ability to "rapidly detect, warn, characterize, attribute, and predict threats to national, allied, and commercial space systems."


Testing of such threat-detection technologies comes as tensions between the United States and a space-faring communist China remain high.


The Falcon Heavy has now launched five times in 2023, and while the space-enamored public is becoming more familiar with it, its cargo largely remains a mystery.


First launched in April 2010, much of the 29-foot-long robotic vehicle’s activities during its 3,774 total days in space remain classified. Even its return date remains unknown.


Designed by Boeing and operated by the United States Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, the X-37B—also known as OTV-7—can fly as high as 500 miles above the Earth’s surface and carry out missions lasting 270 days. -Epoch Times


Previous missions involving the craft have included experiments involving Naval Research Laboratory experiments designed to harness solar energy and transmit power to the ground, as well as testing the effect of organic material's long-duration exposure to space.


The X-37B is similar to the retired space shuttle - in that it has a cargo bay, black-tiled heat shielding, and the ability to land like an airplane. That said, it clocks in at roughly 25% the size of the shuttle, offering what Boeing describes as "the best of aircraft and spacecraft into an affordable system that is easy to operate and maintain."

Anonymous ID: f2ae5c Dec. 31, 2023, 2:14 a.m. No.20157804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7812 >>7841 >>8196 >>8400



CENTCOM changed their story?


General Research #24734 >>20156473


Another One


Maersk Ship Hit by Missile in the Red Sea


Mike Schuler December 30, 2023


A Maersk containership has been hit by a missile in the Red Sea, the U.S. has reported.


The U.S. Central Command said the Singapore-flagged Maersk Hangzhou reported it was struck by a missile while transiting the Southern Red Red Sea at approximately 8:30 p.m. local time on Saturday.


The ship requested assistance and is said to be “seaworthy” with no reported injuries. The USS Gravely and USS Laboon responded to the incident, with the USS Gravely successfully shooting down two anti-ship ballistic missiles fired towards the vessels from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen.


USS GRAVELY shoots down two anti-ship ballistic missiles while responding to Houthi attack on merchant vessel.


Today at approximately 8:30 p.m. (Sanaa time), the container ship MAERSK HANGZHOU reported that they were struck by a missile while transiting the Southern Red Sea. The…


— U.S. Central Command (@CENTCOM) December 31, 2023


The incident comes has Maersk has been resuming transits through the Red Sea with the establishment of the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian (OPG) naval coalition, while some other carriers have opted to continue to reroute ships around the Cape of Good Hope due to safety concerns as the Iran-backed Houthis have continued to carry out missile attacks against commercial shipping.


The Maersk Hangzhou is a 15,226-capacity containership owned and operated by Danish shipping company Maersk, the world’s second-largest ocean carrier.


Maersk suspended transits through the Red Sea back on December 15 a day after a near-miss missile attack on the Maersk Gibraltar near the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, connecting the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden. The announcement by Maersk led to other operators also suspending voyages and redirecting ships around the Cape of Good Hope. Since then about half of the containerships that typically travel through the region have been rerouted.


The Central Command said the incident the 23rd illegal attack by the Houthis on international shipping since the November 19 hijacking of the Galaxy Leader car carrier, which continues by be held in Yemeni waters.