This is why I personally am categorically against the tripcode for bakers idea. Some people just won't be adult enough to handle it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
This is why I personally am categorically against the tripcode for bakers idea. Some people just won't be adult enough to handle it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
FWIW, He's already damaged his reputation; if he wants to be a pariah that everyone mocks, that's on him ;p
>POTUS tweets "Anonymous Sources"
We are gonna sooo get hammered with new arrivals now..
>POTUS confirms the "errors"… Aren't.
It's ok. Everything will make sense soon, if you aren't a clown.
The truth will sound a little far-fetched, but I assure you, it's got more fiber than the crap you've been fed over the years…
> Feeding shills keeps them coming back.
Not in my research. They'll simply operate unopposed.
They're paid to be here, remember that.