Has she been a white hat for the last 20 years?
So you're saying there's a chance?
hahaha faggots! I've done 24 hour hunger strikes by accident before
Im ready! I want to see the entire left bad actors get destroyed so bad, that not even the worst Trump haters can refuse the evidence put forth
I go back and forth on this one. Side note, same thing, I have two friends who are super crazy liberal that I will use as the marker to see if they will see the light, I will then have hope the craziest of the crazy will also see the light. In a sense of seeing them blindsided, I feel horrible. These people they idolize and have become emotionally attached to will go down for the most horrific unimaginable crimes right in front of their eyes. 5 stages of grief include denial at the beginning. I will wait patiently for the denial stage to pass, and see what happens. That being said, I will not rub in their faces the shit their party did, but I do expect them to LOUDLY and VOCALLY and PROACTIVELY call out their party and politicians for all the horrible shit that comes out. They have been so obnoxiously loud for so long, that they dont get to dodge around accountability for this one. They dont get to go back into their shell like a turtle, or crawl back into their cave and retreat, and go quiet. They must fucking denounce the shit that comes out
POTUS is talking to us
19 minute Delta