Most of the items in this picture could conceivably be faked by someone with the same items. Or by an AI.
But I think that lump of concrete is too distinctive to be copied. At least I hope so. So if I visit again this shall be my 2FA lol.
Most of the items in this picture could conceivably be faked by someone with the same items. Or by an AI.
But I think that lump of concrete is too distinctive to be copied. At least I hope so. So if I visit again this shall be my 2FA lol.
That is a dank meme.
If you look at those D6 you will see that they are indeed 40k dice. The sigil of the Adeptus Mechanicus is on the first one. I chose these because they should be harder to fake than the other D6 I possess.
TLDR: I have lurked here a lot, but only posted twice.
Sperg version: I have posted here before, twice if I recall correctly. It was a while ago, 2017 or 2018. Neither of the things I posted were important enough to be included in subsuquent breads and I can't remember what they were.
While Trump was in office I spent hours here every week. I read almost every Q drop as they were dropped.
At the time I didn't remember any of what I am sharing today. It's only since 2019 that I have regained these memories. It is very strange and terrifying to now learn that I was actually one of the kids that Q first educated me about.
This touches on one of the most fucked up things about having DID. My life doesn't go chronologically. I feel like I'm in a different timestream to everyone else. Though this is common for people with DID.
But yeah, I can't really call myself an oldfag.