It’s more of an art than science. Depending on who’s making the mask. Apparently someone knows how to make them well.
Fooled Bush Sr.
It’s more of an art than science. Depending on who’s making the mask. Apparently someone knows how to make them well.
Fooled Bush Sr.
Anon used to daydream ever since childhood about having the chance to use my talents to work for good. It’s a blessing and honor to be among you Anons. God bless you all
> WTF have we been telling you since 2017?
This. The whole “ why hasn’t anyone been arrested yet?” Is Reddit tier at this point. That part of the plan can have hundreds of dependencies tied to it, like securing nukes, tracking down deep dream shitheads, Ukraine wrap up and whatever is going on with our bestest ally right now that was saved for last.
We’ll get there eventually
Yes. Start from first post
Wonder if we’ll ever get to meet Trump one day. I know we’re an odd bunch but it’d be a bucket list item to get a pic and shake his hand
Got to be VA and MD. Those two are stacked to the rafters with DS as well as honest govt employees