how long till fox gives him a contract to be on tv to still be allowed to lie to americans.
shut the fuck up.
Not truth, but enjoy the you, and then go hang yourself till your are dead. Happy new year you fucking cunt.
No, I just proved that you are a perfect candidate for necking yourself. SNAP SNAP goes your vertabrae
This is an old slide. Seriously you should end your fucking life. Please do it for your family.
I wish your mother had aborted you.
OK I BROKE THE BOT. Will some operator please reset it.
why don't you just fucking slice your wrists open and die like the fucking nigger cunt you are.
and I pray you and your family die this year. Fucking cunt.
I am telling you personally to kill yourself, no more, no less.
bigger tits would help.
going to talk to yourself now faggot.
Were you, that is funny, because I was not here last night, not that your feeble paranoid mind could ever grasp that.
I thought it was the secretary from moonlighting.
Go ninja go ninja go.
They all dead.
How about this, when they first appeared they all wore red, It was not really till the cartoon that you started to see them more with the different colors which then allowed toys to be made. Baxter Stockman was also originally black. Not that it matters when you become a fly.
this is stupid
Most comics have some sort of mutant, and especially in the early 80s, mutants were everywhere with the increased popularity of titles like x-men. April was a reporter first in the cartoon, so it was a plot device. They live underground, see mutant answer, they eat pizza because it delivers, see also mutant. So could it be, perhaps, but it is also just as likely that the tropes were already there for the assembly.
you still talking I was hoping you would have necked yourself. Come on you stupid cunt start the year off right and end your fucking nigger life.
sorry missfire.
fucking retard