agents not knowing what to do?
think. but be comfy while doing.
architects might love you having intel sort of thoughts, NSA puzzle style, how to surveil and stuff.
infact you do train angels who do your stuff on a level much higher when thinking.
that is an irl job in the world I want, but not sure how it fits adonay yet.
and again, there is no such thing as spying as some do access your thoughts, of the you having done holyday 20 years ago, or the you having done holyday 20 years ago in the option of you having had another breakfast even when you did not.
too much intel in mind? no such thing as that!
CODE command stay true.
my wellbeing being far more important than anyone elses, also true.
do pray. especially in your job, by actually praying once or twice a day and carrying that thought or leaving it at your "alter" at home or work or by watching a movie or a commcercial or listening to a song that I or anyone else gave an angelic meta track to.
pretty much just be. preferably nice.