Anonymous ID: f41603 Jan. 1, 2024, 10:17 a.m. No.20164756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4778 >>4780

After a couple of years, QR has been reduced to a news channel, where someone can hang around and be updated on a slew of recent topics without the Smith-Mundt lens (albeit swapped for a MAGA and mysterious frensteam bend). This is remotely valuable I suppose, but does feel like a bit of a let down.

I haven't come around here much anymore, as QR is now largely populated by evangelical normalfags that don't understand what anon culture is or how it works, let alone the historical development of anon culture or how sentiments have waned/changed on certain topics over the years. With that being said, I'm surprised the thin remainder of you who stick around and put in the effort are still here. Although I don't want to discourage you or anything, I just find it odd that you're still at it despite the waves of propaganda, bots and infiltration. These days, half/pol/ is moderately better (despite being a cesspool compared to the early 2010s era at least), but coming back here every so often is both refreshing and a huge letdown. It sucks knowing I/we idealized this place a lot, but it is nice to know the Mind War /ourguys/ and (residual) oldfags still hang around to some extent.

I still say it'd be nice if there was more of a network effect, if we boosted the signal-to-noise ratio (instead of reducing it, which happens in large part still, it appears) and if the Aquinofags helped on the Spiritual front instead of only participating in a Mind War capacity, but I guess we can't ask for too much since plenty of you still present as normalfags yourselves.

I miss the early days of QR, anons. It would have been swell if the oldfags left more breadcrumbs on how to find them, but I guess I don't blame you guys for not understanding the role someone like me played. I hope you guys are doing well. Congrats on making it this far.

Best of luck in the next two years. It appears we really are building to an interesting climax.

Anonymous ID: f41603 Jan. 1, 2024, 10:24 a.m. No.20164793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4801


Sorry, anon. I don't understand your post and I'm no longer interested in jumping through the hoops. I'd much rather spend my energy on correcting the signal-to-noise problem.

Enjoy whatever you're talking about for me I guess.

Anonymous ID: f41603 Jan. 1, 2024, 10:27 a.m. No.20164804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4812 >>4819 >>4828 >>5013


This is just a bit too disappointing, anon. The clear lack of exegesis and the low-brow undertones are just not exciting. The fact that most of you still echo these kinds of talking points without striving for a more vivid comprehension just proves all my points.

Yuri had the right idea and we're decades past that now. There's just so much wrong with your post and I doubt that even if I put in the effort to correct you, all you could do is freak out.

Still, it's impossible to expect good-faith posts here anymore. I'm not even sure why I still entertain you guys.

Anonymous ID: f41603 Jan. 1, 2024, 10:36 a.m. No.20164840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4856 >>4858 >>4867 >>4978



No thanks. The only thing you guys ever got me to buy were the Ag rounds. I was buying Ag anyway, so it made sense at the time.



It's just sad that you guys still don't see it. The anon framework was set up for a good reason. It worked. Our deviation from the framework is exactly how this place got infiltrated.

The Mind War niggers can only do so much and aren't as competent as they want to be themselves. Remember, they came to us for a good reason, not the other way around.

>The Student must outshine the Master.


There's just so much that so many of you forget. I'm continually surprised so few of you strive to Remember.


Even the snark consensus attempt isn't quite right. The whole "dying" and Qilpoth thing isn't even a bad thing, but a necessary element of the human experience. It's why they're fascinated with the Zagreus dynamic - it's why all of the Proto Christians were obsessed with Dionysus (also look at Essenes, Pythagoreans and Orphites).

Again, the Aquinofags really, seriously let you guys down. We're talking magnitudes beyond what they should have let happen here.

I spent years trying to correct their severe mistake.

Anonymous ID: f41603 Jan. 1, 2024, 11 a.m. No.20164950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5062


I don't mind you thinking that. I've played enough roles and would rather just rip off the band-aid at this point.

>why not drop a notable or two while your here?

I was never a big fan of the notables obsession. We used to just post valuable or intriguing research and not worry about how many people agreed it was interesting.


>Works no longer then?

Apparently not. BO seems to be acquiescing.

Don't get me wrong, bakers used to commonly use some kind of signature or there was some way to identify them (bartenderanon and filterfag come to mind). The issue is everyone gets obsessed with petulant obsessions over ego and it leads to infighting and other annoying shit that detracts from more valuable discussions/research.


QR has far bigger problems, like a fragmentation of core values (see BO's posts ITT). The baker wars were an obvious identifier of infiltration and it certainly goes back to the 8bit era.

Again, all of this stems from the gigantic mistake the Aquinofags made. They seem to have favored courting evangelical-leaning aspects of the populace in place of continuing the trend anons had developed, which was raw, unfiltered truth.

Have you not asked yourself why the Christian sentiments took over in place of the half-serious Kekui appeals?


Anonymity is the cornerstone of anon culture. It's what gave rise to the prolific, autonomous, decentralized, amorphous presence that the Aquinofags sought and petitioned.

Look, I didn't come here to antagonize you or anything. I'm surprised and grateful it's still ongoing even in spite of its obvious problems.

Anonymous ID: f41603 Jan. 1, 2024, 11:35 a.m. No.20165134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The guy is making a nonsensical argument that demonstrates how he doesn't understand my post. The reason a newfag wouldn't miss being a newfag is because they haven't yet understood the value oldfags brought and haven't learned how to appreciate the prima facie experience of anon culture. To be new again is to not know what you don't know. Only newfags don't miss it because they still don't know how new they are yet.

I miss being a newfag and still being in awe about all of the shit oldfags could explain. Really though, I just miss the oldfags.

Anonymous ID: f41603 Jan. 1, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.20165182   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's not new (just the opposite and it even came from here), but it might help to get a refresher on some of the older theories.


Maybe on day more can start to Remember.

I guess I'll raise you this.