He alive again?
RIP Sam Gross
"Sam was the best. I wish he were here with us now, but he unquestionably Awakened while he was alive, into a world where absurdity trumped hate."
– Some Dude Anon
Legacy Media shills
MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.
MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.
MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.
MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.
“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.
We the People are awake.
Justice is coming
What will you do during the next social media war?
A) Call them bitches
B) Assert war stories are real without evidence
c) Deny war stories are real without evidence.
D) React instead of respond
E) Complete NPC program. Halt.
F) Call them all bitches.
>Preliminary 4.1 magnitude earthquake
Preliminary Richter scale reading
Check Dutch Sinse, this may be the warm up for the stupor volcanus blowing red hot smegma
C_A pedo cultists take over a country and what happens?