Anonymous ID: c66186 Jan. 1, 2024, noon No.20165293   🗄️.is 🔗kun



“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” – Thomas Paine – The American Crisis


Thomas Paine wrote these words 247 years ago, in the most historic year in our history – 1776. That was during the first American Fourth Turning. It’s not a coincidence we are now in the midst of our fourth Crisis period in U.S. history, as they arrive like clockwork every 80 years or so, the length of a long human life. Paine’s American Crisis began in 1773, ignited by the Boston Tea Party and the British reaction to this revolutionary act of defiance. Our current Millennial Crisis was triggered by the Federal Reserve/Wall Street/Government created financial disaster in 2008 and subsequent outrageously desperate, totalitarian, un-Constitutional, extreme acts designed to keep the ruling class in power, while impoverishing and enslaving the masses in a surveillance state techno-gulag.


The polarization and fractures have become too deep to repair. The country, and the western world in general, are hurtling towards a darkening abyss of civil conflict, financial collapse, global war, societal chaos, and loss of life on a scale grander than WW2, the Civil War, and the American Revolution combined. Our technological advancements have outstripped our ability to intelligently, thoughtfully, and humanly, use this power for the benefit of future generations. The destructive deficiencies of human nature, such as: greed, desire for power, hatred, arrogance, resentment, and an unlimited supply of self-delusion, continue to plague our world, as only the most power-hungry psychopaths rise to the highest levels of government, business, religion, and finance.


The immense technological power in the hands of egocentric, megalomaniacal, sadistic, billionaires and their highly paid toadies, lackeys, and apparatchiks, inserted throughout the media, government, academia, banking, and corporations, has pushed the world to the brink of Armageddon. We are entering the sixteenth year of this Fourth Turning. Based on history, we can expect a climax of this Crisis in the 2030-to-2032-timeframe. The path to that climax is guaranteed to be violent and unforgiving.



Anonymous ID: c66186 Jan. 1, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.20165312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5314 >>5322 >>5363

Biden Again Warns the US Could Fight Russia Directly If Congress Doesn't Approve More Ukraine Aid


President Biden on Friday called again for Congress to approve more spending on the war in Ukraine, claiming that if Russian President Vladimir Putin is successful in its war, it could risk pulling the US into a direct confrontation with Russia.


Biden made the comments in a statement on a Russian attack on Ukraine that was said to be the largest of the war. According to Ukrainian authorities, Russia fired over 150 missiles and drones across the country and killed 31 people.


Biden said Ukraine was able to intercept some missiles with US-provided air defenses and added that “unless Congress takes urgent action in the new year, we will not be able to continue sending the weapons and vital air defense systems Ukraine needs to protect its people.”


The president claimed that the stakes of the war extend beyond Ukraine to the US’s European NATO allies. “When dictators and autocrats are allowed to run roughshod in Europe, the risk rises that the United States gets pulled in directly,” he said.


Biden and other officials in his administration have been using this argument in their pitch to approve the over $60 billion they’re seeking to fund the proxy war in Ukraine for another year. The central claim is that if Putin wins in Ukraine, he will move into a NATO country next. But there’s no indication Russia wants a fight with the alliance, which could quickly spiral into nuclear war.


Putin recently responded to the claim, calling the idea that he has his eyes on NATO territory “nonsense.”


“Russia has no reason, no interest — no geopolitical interest, neither economic, political nor military — to fight with NATO countries,” the Russian leader said.


On Saturday, in response to the Russian attack, Ukraine fired missiles into Russia, killing 21 people in the Belgorod Oblast, the largest Ukrainian attack on Russian territory of the war. Russian officials have alleged Ukraine used a Czech-made multiple-launch rocket system and fired missiles into Belgorod equipped with cluster bombs, which scatter small submunitions over a large area and are notoriously harmful to civilians.

Anonymous ID: c66186 Jan. 1, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.20165327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5804

British Pilot Exposes Who Is Behind the Chemtrails Operation


An unidentified British pilot, who used the name ‘Mark’ in an interview, said that chemtrails began in the US and that a lot of the spraying is done by military transport aircraft. While it is claimed that chemtrailing is done to block out the sun to keep global temperatures within the limits as dictated by the Paris Climate Agreement, Mark stated that the purpose is to poison us and block out the sun, which is necessary for plant and human life. Chemtrail planes are not traceable because there is a software fix that blocks codes for transponders on chemtrail planes. He was able to identify a suspected chemtrail plane that belonged to 2Excel Aviation Broadsword and he said that RVL has a similar operation that sprays over cities. He said the flight plans are in the onboard computer and must be coordinated because several planes can spray an area simultaneously. He believes chemtrail pilots are ex-RAF because they are practiced in clandestine operations and have signed the Official Secrets Act which means they cannot speak out. He suggested forming spotter clubs to collect evidence and spread awareness.

Anonymous ID: c66186 Jan. 1, 2024, 12:11 p.m. No.20165345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5349 >>5386

Israel Makes Official Its Ethnic-Cleansing Objective for Gaza


On the final day of 2023, December 31st, Reuters, a U.S.-and-allied journalistic institution, headlined “Israeli minister repeats call for Palestinians to leave Gaza”, and opened: “One of the senior figures in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing coalition called on Sunday [Dec. 31st] for Palestinian residents of Gaza to leave the besieged enclave, making way for Israelis who could ‘make the desert bloom’.” That phrase “make the desert bloom” was used by the zionist (or Jewish-fascist) creators of the Israeli apartheid anti-Palestinian nation back at its founding during the 1948 ethnic-cleansing of Palestinians from the land, and even during the years leading up to that ethnic cleansing, as being an excuse for that ethnic cleansing, “to make the desert bloom.” The Reuters article continued:


The comments by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who has been excluded from the war cabinet and discussions of day-after arrangements in Gaza, appear to underscore fears in much of the Arab world that Israel wants to drive Palestinians out of land where they want to build a future state, repeating the mass dispossession of Palestinians when Israel was created in 1948.


So, that article’s headline could honestly have been “Israel Makes Official Its Ethnic-Cleansing Objective for Gaza” — especially because even that article acknowledges “the mass dispossession of Palestinians when Israel was created in 1948”; and, so, Israel’s ethnic-cleansing against Palestinians is acknowledged in that article as having originated that far back (and therefore as NOT being new after 7 October 2023).


Certainly, Gaza has not been “blooming,” and Israel has severely limited food and medicine being allowed into Gaza, so as to punish the Gazans for being there, and has made almost impossible for any Gazan to leave Gaza, ever since the 1990s and especially after Gazans in 2006 elected Hamas to lead them. And thus Gaza is called by many people “the world’s largest open-air prison.” So: on the one hand, Israel has been punishing the residents of Gaza by its siege against them, but on the other hand Israel hasn’t been allowing Gazans to leave Gaza; and, now, Israel is trying to perpetrate ethnic-cleansing so as to replace the Gazans by Israeli settlers who will “make the desert bloom” in Gaza by those Jewish-fascist settlers who will be supported by the very same Israel’s government that has been impoverishing the Gazans and prohibiting them from making their desert there bloom.


Polls show that 74% of Americans think Hamas wants Genocide of Israelis, and that 31% of Americans think Israel wants genocide of Gazans (which genocide Israel has actually wanted ever since Israel was founded in 1948). Polls also show that Americans also falsely believe that Hamas (which is supported by 88% of Palestinians) is rejected by Palestinians. How can a democracy exist in America if the public are so extremely deceived as this? It can’t (and doesn’t).


Therefore, polls also show that Americans support America’s supplying to Israel’s government the airplanes and bombs and missiles and tanks and intelligence-support that make this ethnic cleansing by Israel’s soldiers possible.


Whether this ethnic cleansing will exterminate all Gazans, or instead exterminate some and expel the survivors into the adjoining desert in order for them to be either starved to death there or else become lifelined by the U.N.’s refugee agency, isn’t yet clear; but, by now, at least the ethnic-cleansing of them has become a publicly admitted goal of Israel, and not merely (as it had previously been) Israel’s clear intention from its bombing of Gaza’s refugee camps, schools, hospitals, residential areas, and other civilian structures.