You are so God damn gross. For real. your face is a train wreck & your fat tits are a embarrassment to women everywhere. Not even joking. If that really is you & you're bragging about it, you are also a fucking moron. KYS. Seriously. The only good thing about that picture & the one with your nasty ass face, is that every time I see it. I laugh my ass off at it.
Holy shit. you are so fucking GAY. For the past 3 or 4 threads I keep asking for a source, & get no reply. I tell you to search the text in the screenshot so you can see it's fake, no reply.
Fuck off with your bullshit. Or get your head out of your ass & stop being so GOD DAMN GULLIBLE
You wish. You are just spot on Ugly as Sin and an attention whore with daddy issues. Being a slut is not a cool thing, despite what the other whores tell you.
Awww, poor thing. you are really a fucking idiot aren't you? lololol I hope you and attention whore & the like get rounded up with the scumbags & get what you deserve. You are a supporter of pigs like them. It fucking shows. Gullible twat
Good. Cut & Dry. Give him time served, have him pay his fine & get him the hell into Protective Custody ASAP. Have something "leak" that he's moving out of Country, then drop something big not related so he will be out of sight out of mind
Checked & damn, it must be pretty annoying being around anyone on the left the past week or so. Well, since Kennedy said he's retiring. They all collectively lost it
Yup. Affirmative Action fans are MAD as hell