There is a Happening on the Horizon
A Happening the likes of Which no Happening, in the history of all Happenings, has ever Happened before
There is a Happening on the Horizon
A Happening the likes of Which no Happening, in the history of all Happenings, has ever Happened before
Guantanamo Bay wasn't Expanded for just Shits & Giggles
People who want a Peaceful resolution
Use Violence and Put Innocent Peoples' live at risk to get what they want
Sounds more like Domestic Terrorists
6 years, 2 months & 5 days
Q Loves Garbage
The Doomsayers are all Expecting Chaos in 2024
& They have never been more wrong
There is only Winning in our Future
Ride the Waves
The Controllers are Preparing the Normies for Doom & Gloom in 2024
preparation to sell them a projection
But Wave Riders
have other ideas in mind
are you saying that Q is posting as Anon to make connections to his own posts that anons never made?
Cause we just found when you posted it
But you ruined the notable by basically saying it was notable on your own post
The Pendulum Is on the Return Swing
I don't see the Doom & Gloom
It's all Going to Work out Fantastically
I think there's a 80% likelihood that Q+ (or Dan) is posting here