NBC News: Israel Withdrawing 'Thousands' of Troops From Gaza
Kek. Western Media isn't reporting on this.
NBC News: Israel Withdrawing 'Thousands' of Troops From Gaza
Kek. Western Media isn't reporting on this.
>everything is going exactly as planned.
Kek. But he's gonna vote for Trump!
Is it just me or does Steven Tyler look like he's from some late 70's sitcom about a single Mother raising two young children?
Kek. Why are you bitching? Q mentioned them, by name. It's verified.
>Muh yamika
+2 AC
>What's wrong with complaining about bullshit?
What's bullshit about it? The Roths, Soros and the House of Saud were all outed as string pullers by Q a while ago. It's all verified. I'm not understanding exactlyWHYyou claim it's "bullshit."
Kek. Yeah. They BIG MAD today.
>Kek used to toss those back, Crazy horse & Mickies malt too!
Kek. Who didn't, Fren? Two Mickey's or OEs was cheaper than a 12 pack.
>Yep, back in the college days!
So much easier to just grab two on the way home, get your shit done and slam them, to have fun for a couple of hours, before you crashed for work or class the next day. Even if you didn't finish it, you could cap it off and hair of the dog it in the morning.
>BO is a real fag isn't he.
>Globals: "No discrimination on the basis of race or religion in notes"
Nothing in the notables was "discrimination on the basis of race or religion." It was all verified information from Q. Why are you trying to bullshit, BO?
Welcome to the party, Pal. Been that way since Flint and Co took over. No "muh Joo" (tm). Only time anything related to Jews gets a notabru is when the wardens aren't around. Otherwise, everything related to their "culture" is "muh Joo" (tm).
>can I say that Israel is an apartheid state?
Kek. That goes against the (((terms of service))).
Kek. Imagine the REEEEEE!
>Prove it.
Kek. I can prove you deleted shit you didn't like and then deleted the poast calling you and Dart out for deleting shit. You sure it's not in an email?
>So anything Soros related is Muh Joo too. Wow.
Any mention of a person being Jewish that could be remotely construed as negative, no matter how minute is "Muh Joo" (tm).
I kinda want to stay up, just to watch it reset again, just for the keks.
>Uh, so why don't we all just migrate to qrbunker?
Why, indeedโฆ.Something about this place is still important. Not sure why. It just is.
>Where's the global notable on how to block CP?
Kek. Where's the global notable on how to block BO/BVs? If anyone should be blocked, it's them.
>board moderators circle the wagons to protect their shameful actions and then deny everything
Yup. Reminds me of Israel.
The Clone's Warehouse.
>Cannot argue with the keks! lol I just watch for the keksโฆ
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. Except for a counter. Kek.
>all the while telling us to get our own board if we don't approve of the deletions
Kek. I kinda miss those. Or the "go to hivemind, Hitler-lover!" ones.
"OSS was livid."
>The Deepstate is nothing but a cadre of comped cucks and cunts wielding abject malevolence with drugs, sex trafficking, murder and child abuse.
The Deepstate is Israel. Their minions are quoth, "nothing but a cadre of comped cucks and cunts wielding abject malevolence with drugs, sex trafficking, murder and child abuse."
The sooner people figure that part out, the better.
>exactly why i never went there
The internet, itself, is comped. Nowhere is safe, at this point. That is why, even here, we're not allowed to talk aboutโฆ.
>Israel? No. Synagogue of Satan? Yes. It's deeper than Israel, it's the bottom of Hell.
Kek. Let's stay earthbound tonight, okay, Jesus?
>that's why i raw dawg it because i give no fucks
Kek. Careful. Gonna make their almonds tingle, Anon.