Anonymous ID: 746ddc Jan. 2, 2024, 8:58 a.m. No.20170268   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0269 >>0279 >>0290

With the acquisition of Seagen for $43 billion, "[I]t seems like Pfizer is covering itself for most of the turbo cancers that I'm describing right now that I see skyrocketing in the general population [that's taken the C19 injections]."


Radiologist, oncologist, and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis (


) describes for Seth Holehouse (@ManInAmericaUS) how bizarre Pfizer's acquisition of the biotech company Seagen—which produces monoclonal antibody-based therapies for the treatment of cancer—was, considering its outsized $43 billion price tag.


"Why are they overpaying for a company that's not generating more than $2 billion in revenue right now?" Makis asks rhetorically. He notes that "it's estimated that it would take a decade for Pfizer just to break even on the deal."


The oncologist asks the question, "Why would cancer, all of the sudden, be the next big thing [for Pfizer]?" He notes that "you don't see… huge spikes in cancer" and that "nothing that would justify the scaling up the production of cancer drugs in a way that you would scale up production of mRNA in a viral outbreak, and yet this is the language that he's using."


Specifically, Makis says that Pfizer "paid top dollar" for Seagen's drugs aimed at battling breast cancer, lymphomas, leukemia, colon cancer, lung cancers, and kidney cancers, amongst others. He says that these are the exact kinds of "turbo cancers" he's been seeing in people who took the C19 injections.


Makis asks another rhetorical question: "[I]s he [Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla] telling us that there's going to be such a skyrocketing of cancers in the vaccinated population that he's basically acquired this company and he intends to use Pfizer's resources and infrastructure to scale up the production of cancer drugs [to fight]… an epidemic of cancer in the population?"


Full interview with Makis:

"Sudden Deaths are at an ALL TIME HIGH" w/Dr. William Makis

Anonymous ID: 746ddc Jan. 2, 2024, 10:36 a.m. No.20170771   🗄️.is đź”—kun

đź‘€ Brigham Buhler on the Dark History of the Medical Industrial Complex


"There was a small little company that reached out to the Third Reich and said, 'Hey, we need 150 participants for our clinical trial.' The nazi regime shipped 150 healthy jewish women to this pharmaceutical company to test its products. Literally, within six months, there's letters back to the Third Reich from this pharmaceutical company saying, 'Thank you so much for your cooperation. The women arrived in great health and working order. Unfortunately, none of them made it through the initial phases of our trial.' They killed 150 women. 'We kindly request that you send us another 150 women.' That little company became Bayer which is now a mega pharmaceutical company."


Full Episode(#2079):


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