Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country…
Listen princess, Q and POTUS are NOT using us to work for free ….We volunteer! You don't like it, GTFO!
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country…
Listen princess, Q and POTUS are NOT using us to work for free ….We volunteer! You don't like it, GTFO!
Get another job if need be…If you have no time for your country- bye!
You make it seem like you're the only one with bills and the need to eat.
Newsflash- we all do.
Get. It together and stop bitching! Man-up cupcakes.
Thank God we have this opportunity, thank God we have a Q and a POTUS that loves us enough to include us in this fight.if you don't like it, like I said, bye- GTFO…
( Stop acting like a spoiled socialist snowflake)
Like I said… You can always leave.
Evil has health benefits, fancy trips to special islands , free hookers and free drugs… What's your point?
We have God , Truth and freedom… What the fuck else do you need?