Anonymous ID: a6190e Jan. 3, 2024, 1:05 a.m. No.20174642   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump comes right out and says to the world what the problems are.

Flynn tap dances and tells sparse pieces.

He has done far too many questionable things

in the movement and has continued to play the

shadow man after all these years.

Opus Dei? Jesuit? Who knows. He plays his

role and whether wh/bh, the truth always comes out.

His rallying of the nation for being a top dog patriot is questionable.

But the spook world is so obfuscated, even they don't know who they can trust.

And what kind of precedent is that to set?


The top end of this war is fought in the spiritual realm and our enemy are master deceivers. Their followers do likewise.