Anonymous ID: c414f3 Jan. 3, 2024, 3:18 a.m. No.20174843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4845

>>20174739 Article from December 2023 on infrasound: "In some cases arrays of infrasound detecting microphones have been shown to pick up the noise produced by tornadoes from more than 100km (60 miles) away and have also indicated that the infrasound is produced before tornadogenesis even begins."


From the DoD:

Research Efforts in Infrasound

"Key government research contributors are the Non-Lethal Weapons Program, United States (U.S.) Naval Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Earth System Research Laboratory, Langley Research Center, and Los Alamos National Research Laboratory. Academic research contributors are Oklahoma State University, University of Alabama’s Severe Weather Institute, University of California San Diego, University of Hawaii, and University of Alaska Fairbank’s Geophysical Institute. A key industry contributor is BBN Technologies.

2.1 Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Program

The research based on infrasound that has been conducted in the NLW program is the same type of science that surgeons use to break up kidney stones. It also is the same science China is using to disperse crowds nonlethally [1].