Anonymous ID: 82acb5 Jan. 3, 2024, 4:52 p.m. No.20178618   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jack Smith cases are over. Deep State has deployed the guillotine. Edwin Meese(age 92)has had his name used to file amici brief to stop Jack Smith leap frogging the J6 case for Presidential immunity and double jeopardy so as to get the trial date back on track for March 4 .

Meese has such a brilliant legal mind atage 92that he alone, no other younger legal mind, has figured out Jack Smith is an illegal appointment due to the fact he was a private citizen and not DOJ Senate confirmed attorney representing USA in an official capacity .


Meese and a couple law professors sent an amici brief to SC to stop Smith from being heard there before the lower Court could weigh in.

Now the same92 year oldhas filed an amici brief in the lower Appeals Court.

1st amici brief just requested Jack not be allowed to be heard their because he is illegitimate. Listed off the reasons why and those reasons are true and accurate.100%

Now new filing in lower Court is asking for all charges be dropped against DJT based on this undeniable truth. This amici brief does not discuss the merits of immunity or double jeopardy and in fact, makes those argumentsMOOTIf Jack convened Grand Jury, gathered evidence and filed charges while being a private citizen, then addressing Jack's arguments about why DJT is not immune is prohibited.

This is the Swamp recognizing they lost their attempt to convict DJT before elections and stopping any further harm to themselves.

This allows Fani case to continue because no higher Court will have ruled on immunity.

When te immunity topic does happen , it will take place in the 11th circuit. Thomas sits over it.

The left gets to blame the legal failures of prosecuting DJT on Right wing Judges.


Florida case of documents also goes away because Jack was never legit. Again blaming DJT appointed Judge.


all of Jacks illegal behaviors never get brought out in the open.

  • Illegal Grand Jury Panel in DC for a Florida case

  • Violation of attorney client privilege

  • raid at M A L

  • Intimidation /bribe of attorney Woodward to make Walt Nauta turn on DJT