Anonymous ID: 0fa979 Jan. 3, 2024, 6:25 p.m. No.20179267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9518 >>9772 >>9851 >>9990 >>9996

Mike Davis On Trump's Team Filing Petition To SCOTUS To Reverse The Colorado 14th Amendment Decision


This is funny the requirements to ban Trump on the ballot, Mike Davis is funny and accurate.SC needs to put on the Big Boy pants!




Anonymous ID: 0fa979 Jan. 3, 2024, 6:41 p.m. No.20179370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9772 >>9851 >>9990 >>9996

Alex DeGrasse Joins WarRoom To Discuss Voting District Maps In Multiple States

This makes me happy, Trump’s team is challenging NY’s state court. Sly man!’



Anonymous ID: 0fa979 Jan. 3, 2024, 6:55 p.m. No.20179479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9510



I don’t remember that look, but I believe it happened, its almost like he was sayingwatch this


Hilary was out matched from the beginning.

Anonymous ID: 0fa979 Jan. 3, 2024, 7:15 p.m. No.20179623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9814

I miss the Trump speeches, it was the night the US government killed Al Baghdadi


And the he gave a speech, but It was not even a speech it was “Mean Shit talk for 40 minutes!”


(Seriously I can’t stop watching this, its so Trump! I miss Trump)



Anonymous ID: 0fa979 Jan. 3, 2024, 7:28 p.m. No.20179712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THEY NEED TO BRING HIM BACK!!!🤣🤣🤣. Thank your agent and your god and fuck off



Anonymous ID: 0fa979 Jan. 3, 2024, 7:50 p.m. No.20179855   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tucker Carlson Outlines Nikki Haley as Favored UniParty Operative – Vivek Ramaswamy Agrees


January 3, 2024 | Sundance | 2 Comments

The gist of the Tucker Carlson outlook is: You thought Democrats were going to dump Biden for Gavin Newsom, but they’re not. They’re backing Nikki Haley instead.


In this discussion segment Tucker Carlson and Vivek Ramaswamy outline how Nikki Haley is the perfect candidate for the administrative state in Washington DC. WATCH:

Anonymous ID: 0fa979 Jan. 3, 2024, 8:10 p.m. No.20179974   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Big Tell – Biden Heading Back to AME Network After Philadelphia Anti-MAGA Speech – Race-Based Electioneering Plan for 2024


January 3, 2024 | Sundance | 99 Comments

For those who walk the deep weeds, this little story in Politico will make a lot of sense.


POLITICO – President Joe Biden is headed to Charleston, South Carolina, next week to visit Mother Emanuel AME Church in the latest signal of a campaign eager to shore up its standing with Black voters.


It will be the president’s first trip to the storied church since he was vice president. Biden is expected to speak at the church, his campaign told reporters on Tuesday evening. It is one of the oldest Black churches in the South and the site where nine parishioners were shot and killed by a white supremacist in 2015.


[…] The campaign’s top aides also announced Biden will be giving a speech at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Michael Tyler, the campaign’s communication director, said the president’s speech will hit some familiar themes: the “stakes for our democracy” and the danger of a second Trump term.


The campaign says Biden’s speech locations have been in the works for weeks and are meant to be a one-two punch that exemplifies what the campaign feels is the core of its message. (read more)


Let’s accept the assumption (datapoints support) that Barack Obama is leaning back, away from Biden, seeing the landscape as it is unlikely for Biden to win the 2024 election due to the radical nature of the Obama policy the underlings carried out in the past four years.


The borders are open, there’s a sticky energy price and inflation crisis, failing foreign policy, two wars – with more coming, a massive federal debt about to crush everyone, and the cultural effort went too far left.


To be sure, Obama doesn’t care, he actually likes this America-Last communist outcome; but Teh One can see this – and he’s not stupid. Chicago Jesus has a massive ego, and pride rules his politics. Under this scenario, Biden and the DNC are alone – basically, heading toward Chicago without The Lightbringer.


So, knowing they have to go it alone, Team Biden kick-off the MAGA extremist “threat to democracy” narrative in Philly again, then immediately go to the second part of the prior rulebook – the AME Church network.


The AME Network is the race-based element they need for actual ballot manipulation in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia County), Georgia (Fulton County), Nevada (Clark County), and Michigan (Wayne County). It is the AME Church who organizes the racially motivated ballot creators, counters and precincts etc.


If you know the playbook, you can see the clear moves they will make.


Here’s a refresher as a repost from the earlier tripwires:


Once you understand what took place in the 2020 Democrat primary that saw all candidates fall in line behind Biden, according to the process that Obama initiated, then everything centered around the DNC moves today makes buckets of sense.


Despite how the media is presenting this, it is not Biden’s plan. This is Obama’s 2024 insider club roadmap, and it specifically includes the alignment of interests that he created in 2020 to remove the threat that Bernie Sanders represented. More on that in a moment. First, the DNC plan:


(Via Politico) – […] The DNC is on track to reshape its primary calendar after dissatisfaction with the traditional first state, Iowa, boiled over in 2020. Members of the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, charged with recommending a new calendar, gave a near-unanimous vote of approval on Friday for Biden’s proposal, with only minor tweaks to the dates and two ‘no’ votes from Iowa and New Hampshire members.


The revised proposal would see South Carolina host the first 2024 presidential primary on Feb. 3, a Saturday, followed three days later by New Hampshire and Nevada. Georgia would then hold an early primary on Feb. 13, and Michigan would hold its contest on Feb. 27. Iowa would be out of the early lineup altogether. (read more)


These changes are all about keeping the corporate wing of the DNC in control and eliminating the influence of the momentum progressive candidates. Just like the RNC wants MAGA destroyed, the DNC corporation wants control over the Bernie Sanders wing and Democrat socialists.


Continued…Sundance is brilliant read the whole plan.,