Anonymous ID: 9fbfc9 Jan. 3, 2024, 6:59 p.m. No.20179508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9526 >>9535


>I've never seen a dig or any new information from Mr Pig. ever

Years ago Mr. Pig accepted the role as Morale Officer. It's a bit like keeping Allied morale up in a Phillipines PoW camp during WW2. Cats played a big role and were essential to the survival of American nurses. Mr. Pig is essential to Anons.

Anonymous ID: 9fbfc9 Jan. 3, 2024, 7:19 p.m. No.20179656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9670 >>9686


Mr. Pig:


The Significance of Deception in Contemporary Information Warfare

the major methods of deception are:

• Setting the context in which the foe interprets that data, and/or

• Producing ‘noise’ in the communication channel so that the foe receives only the data allowed by the deceiver.

Information Warfare and Deception, Informing Science, Volume 9, 2006


Mr Pig is on America's side. America Winning!

Anonymous ID: 9fbfc9 Jan. 3, 2024, 7:40 p.m. No.20179807   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mr. Pig accepted a job, a duty, a sacred service, on behalf of Anons. (You) are bullshit cast upon the Arizona Memorial. Flotsam. Tokyo Rose inflamed at an Angry Inch.

Anonymous ID: 9fbfc9 Jan. 3, 2024, 8:09 p.m. No.20179970   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mr. Pig accepted a role years ago that has been faithfully fulfilled.

o7 Mr. Pig!

/gresearch Officer of Morale and Moral Turpitude.

Anonymous ID: 9fbfc9 Jan. 3, 2024, 8:12 p.m. No.20179985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0003


“The Blind Article”

The blind article involves Monster (Epstein) and Mari (Maxwell) for the most part. Her father Robert as everyone knows by now was an agent for both Mossad and MI-6. “She” is a woman we will refer to as “MARI”. The best way to describe Mari is as a middle-aged foreign-born woman raised in a life of privilege, wealth, global luxury — and a legacy of criminal immorality that warps the mind just to fathom it all. Her own father had been a scandalous man in every way that would be the center of a million stories of his own. The things she witnessed and even suffered growing up would be enough to drive anyone insane.”


“She became the partner, co-conspirator, and confidant of a man who has grown to be one of the most disgusting, perverted, rapist animals of our current era. (We’ll just call him MONSTER). His crimes and reach have been well documented for many years. And through it all, Mari has been right there. In fact Mari has been of equal responsibility in that monster’s crimes. She has been his procurer, his partner, and when the mood hit her — even a willing participant. She is no victim.”


“When many questioned how the Monster was able to facilitate relations with so many powerful people, they rarely saw Mari in the shadows. It was usually her “hands” at work, using contacts and relations of her family. Her dad’s old business friends (and enemies) and many of his government friends — they all knew her charming social style. They also knew of her bent to the wild side, and her “anything goes” attitude; along with the discretion it required.”


“Many people had forgotten (or maybe didn’t know) of Mari’s family and their relations with foreign leaders. Especially third-world dictators. Mari was actually the missing link in a bizarre nexus of people who otherwise may never cross paths. From Hollywood celebrities, to global corrupt military leaders, to technology businessmen — Mari knew so many of them. Her father had paved the way, so it was easy for her to follow.”


Part 1

Anonymous ID: 9fbfc9 Jan. 3, 2024, 8:14 p.m. No.20180003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0032


Not really a lot of surprises here except that it casts Ghislaine in a somewhat different light. She was more than just his “madame,” she was the key that unlocked the door for Epstein to enter a different world. She was the go-between who introduced Epstein to many of the world’s elites, not the other way around. Q … posted this in his last series of drops and it seems to be the case with Ghislaine: [img Q4565]


Ghislaine knew many of these people through her father. “This is why, when the sexually criminal actions of Mari and Monster, began to be a “thing” among the rich and powerful — they needed more privacy. So it was Mari who found a very secluded island for their activities. This place and its many crimes have been documented many times (including by our pals at CDAN and in the mainstream press). But what is not as well known is this other foreign locale; nearly a country almost to themselves.”


“It was within a country ruled by a nearly-insane dictator, under the guise of Socialism. That dictator has now died, but his protégé has carried on. This nation was also ground zero for a constant flow of vulnerable victims from dirt-poor families that could be easily “erased” if the need be. Best of all for their plans — it was within close jet distance from their private island; and in the same hemisphere as the USA.”


And it wasn’t Little St. James, “Epstein Island,” but an island off the coast of Venezuela named La Orchila. “There is a military island in Venezuela called La Orchila, where Maxwell’s compound was located. Celebs like Kevin Spacey, Courtney Love, Naomi Campbell, Oliver Stone, Danny Glover, Don Cheadle, Benicio Del Toro, Johnny Depp, had gotten cozy with Hugo Chavez years ago.”


Part 2

Anonymous ID: 9fbfc9 Jan. 3, 2024, 8:18 p.m. No.20180032   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also cozy with Hugo Chavez as well as Maxwell and Epstein was actor/director Sean Penn who figures prominently in this story, as do other prominent Americans.


“Hugo Chavez's dictatorial rule allowed for Venezuelan children to be harvested by the satanic global elite. After Chávez passed, Maduro's special forces raided Ghislaine’s compound and stole the safe with all the blackmail tapes.”


“No need to make refuel stops, so less paper trails. It provided no shortage of cover stories, including “humanitarian work” and “environmental work”. All within an easily-bribed corrupt government happy to provide protection. Funny thing, that for a socialist country? They sure enjoyed the millions they got paid, under the table, to protect the criminals.”


“The criminals were Monster, Mari, and their guests.”


“This included not just the billionaires and politicians and celebs, but the top leaders of this country. It is very easy to connect the dots between this country; a legendary political family from America; and a super-tough lawyer (or two) who are the weak links in the cover up for Mari and the Monster’s actions. It was part of the lawyers’ spin plans back when the Monster was first accused. Little did they know that many years later, those same news quotes and even Youtube videos, would rear their heads to point the way to lead people to connect the dots. So obvious is it, that Mari has contacted the lawyers and told them to warn the political family of their exposure. But those same lawyers aren’t happy to take her calls now either.”


The political family are the Kennedys and their role in this is unclear except the relationship between the two lawyers Dershowitz and Lefcour who had helped Kerri Kennedy, Daughter of Robert F. Kennedy and former wife of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, who seems to like to abuse chemical substances and drive, out of a few legal hassles stemming from accidents.


“When the day came, the Princess was let go with a slap on the wrist. No, a wrist slap would’ve been worse. She got off with a touch of the hand and a strongly-worded letter. The lawyer basked in his glory, and Princess (and her family) made sure he was the fair-haired lawyer for all their pals and relatives anytime they needed one. The lawyer was set.”


“You may ask why all this matters? What does any of this have to do with the Monster, or “Mari” (his female partner in crime), or any of that? Because of where it leads and what it shows to us, years before Monster’s and Mari’s crimes came to light. It also points us to the bread crumbs that a blind man could follow down this trail of broken lives, debauchery, and disgusting perversions that are only now exploding into daylight.”


Part 3

Anonymous ID: 9fbfc9 Jan. 3, 2024, 8:23 p.m. No.20180066   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Naomi was girlfriend to Standard Hotel owner, André Balazs. The Standard Hotel is, as many know, of Cabal legend. Campbell and Klum worked with Epstein for years. Heidi's significant other, Martin Kirsten, a trained assassin/mercenary, also happened to be Cornell's bodyguard.”


Ghislaine was the chief procurer, the “Madame,” but far from the only one. Also involved was Epstein’s brother Mark, a realtor who owned the apartment building where the “models” were housed.


"Many Pedos went to Epstein's island by sea on their yachts. Epstein’s island is suspiciously close to Richard Branson’s Necker Island and Haiti. Other shady people like Roman Abramovich, Oprah Winfrey, Johnny Depp, David Copperfield, and Mick Jagger own property in the same area."


Part 4


Now she’s said to be in police custody. If this turns out to be so, her future is less viable than a fart in a hurricane. “Mari has evidence. Proof. Receipts. She has hard proof of many of the political, wealthy, and powerful “friends” whom she and Monster brought to their island playground for many years. Most of all she has proof of what went on at their other home in a Latin American country.”


"A country whose ruling dictator (and his protégé) happily took bribes to look the other way as drugs, rapes, and crimes went on — many involving young, poor, local boys and girls. None of whom had a voice to fight back or stand up. When ‘wranglers’ would round up these boys and girls for things like ‘casting parties’, ‘pageants’, or just part-time jobs — the parents (if any existed) and social services officials were paid off. They were told it was ‘just a little part time work so take the ridiculous amounts of cash, and shut up’”.


“But a strange thing began to happen that upset the parties at the foreign compound/estate. First, their pal — the dictator — passed away. Followed by much upheaval in the country. It would be a while until the protégé dictator came in to settle things down (somewhat). Then, some reporters and investigators began asking questions. Nothing specific, just noticing things — and people, visiting. The cover stories of humanitarian work and environmental work were very thin. But bribes helped them cover up a lot. And when nosy people began “disappearing” there? That helped them too.”